A photo from open sources
The German Society for the Study of Paranormal Sciences has appointed reward for proving the existence of superpowers in person. Anyone who demonstrates to scientists not rational skill will be guaranteed paid in the amount of 12 thousand dollars.
Psychologists, physicists, biologists and other specialists have already taken in University of Wurzburg over 60 personalities ascribing to themselves paranormal qualities. Some of these candidates claim that able to read other people’s thoughts. According to others, they possess telekinesis, that is, they can interact with matter only by willpower, without touching one or another thing. If you believe third, they easily predict the future.
Alas, not one of the volunteers has yet managed to convince Orthodox scholars in their abnormal abilities.
For example, an experiment participant who claims to be able to see future, correctly guessed the result of a coin fall only at 19 cases out of 50. An individual who considers himself endowed with telekinesis, could not budge the feather inside the glass boxes. And a woman who tried to change the composition of water in glass, and did not achieve the desired. This was confirmed by laboratory analyzes of water before and after the German woman’s interaction with her.
The author of the study, Reiner Wolf, believes that most of these people are actually convinced that they possess supernatural abilities however they are deep are mistaken.
Meanwhile, many Internet users write that the real psychics and witches are unlikely to spray their talents on any scientific tests, shows and competitions, especially for deriving from this material benefit. So this event, like many previous ones, it will fail – for joy Orthodox scholars. But … that’s how the world works, by the way, today’s German study perfectly proves theatrical staging of such TV shows as “Battle of psychics” and a hedgehog with them …
Water Telekinesis