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We have been taught since childhood (see, for example, a training film below for Grade 5) that bacteria and viruses are very dangerous. True we somehow adapted to live with these microscopic creatures, possessing earthly immunity. It’s earthly, because they flew to us Martians with the goal of capturing our planet (“War of the Worlds” Herbert Wells), from germs and died.
But one thing is fiction, and the other is real life. And she constantly refutes the established belief that bacteria and viruses – exclusively human enemies, sent down, apparently, to him for some sins. Researches of the last decade have forced scientists radically change your mind about microorganisms.
So, the staff of the private University of Drexel (Drexel University, PA, USA) using genetic sequencing (multiplied by computer algorithms high performance) conducted a series of experiments and concluded that bacteria and viruses do not accidentally coexist with the body person (like any living creature on Earth), participating, apparently, in all life processes (so far more or less thoroughly studied only digestion).
By posting your research in PLOS ONE, American scientists made the following conclusions:
- microbiome or microbiota (microbial environment, microflora) of a person – the necessary conditions for the functioning of a living organism;
- human microbiota is a multitude of communities various microorganisms;
- any disease is a deviation or imbalance in the microbiota.
Researchers argue that only a clear understanding of how these microbial communities interact and the virus will help in “fight” with various human diseases (as well as domestic animals). While science absolutely does not understand anything about this, and because all sorts of attempts, for example, the creation of all kinds of medicines and drugs, at best, leads to temporary relief the condition of the patient, at worst – only harms him.
A photo from open sources
It is no coincidence that proponents of a healthy lifestyle aim human to strengthen immunity, and not to accept any medicines. Moreover, the very concept of immunity is very conditional. No one plainly does not know what it is.
Under immunity, an assistant professor of engineering college writes. Drexel Gail Rosen, one of the co-authors of this research, you need to understand not the ability of our body resist viruses and bacteria, and the ability to maintain harmony in the relationships (interactions) of communities microorganism in the microbiome.
It’s impossible to truly understand what communities are doing. germs, adds another co-author of this scientific work, doctor Philosophy Steve Woloszynek, if we haven’t even we understand their scale, how often and where they appear in the body. For example, many have heard that there are hundreds in the human intestines. trillions of different bacteria performing a certain (unknown us) a role in digestion that disrupt this interaction many microbial communities, say, because of the adoption antibiotics leads to sad results. However scientists to still do not really know how this complex process works.
The main conclusion of the American scientists of Drexel University can be formed as follows: science is so far only on the approaches understanding what role in the life of all living things on Earth play various microorganisms. Most likely, they are the main participants in evolution, in creating an infinite variety of life on our planet, guards already created and destroyers (converters) of something already outdated and unnecessary, and so on further possessing for all this a unique collective intelligence and just tremendous opportunities. Maybe this is that unknown us the mechanism of the Almighty in our material world, unravel which we have been striving for several centuries? ..
Viruses Life