Bacteria hit scientists again

Bacteria infect scientists againPhotos from open sources of

Scientists have already shown that the adaptability of bacteria to external the environment is several thousand times higher than that of humans. And here is the new confirmation of this – microorganisms calmly breathe uranium.

Such unique bacteria discovered by American scientists in the soil no longer working uranium factory in Rifle (USA, Colorado). Moreover, the microorganisms discovered by them can be used for their life of both oxygen and uranium. As the professor explained Lee Kirkoff, is the first microorganism that easily crosses with one way of life support on another.

While researchers do not understand how bacteria evolve, but they have the assumption that the “simplest” organisms are not so protozoa that they have some kind of genetic tool that allows them to easily adapt to any conditions existence. After all, traces of microorganisms are found even in space, where they feel at home.

From a practical point of view, this discovery could come in handy to a person in solving environmental pollution problems and in particular groundwater. After all, in theory, dissolved uranium should be demolished in the Colorado River, but this did not happen, because the bacteria “ate” him. It turns out that biological purification is much more efficient than burying spent uranium in the soil.

Scientists hope that further trials will allow them to create technology for cleaning soil from uranium in areas where once nuclear fuel or weapons were created. And it will be real breakthrough in science.

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