Become a superman!

Become a superman!Photo from open sources

No wonder they say that a person uses the potential of his brain and ten percent at best. But some people from birth or during a long workout gain a lot greater than the ordinary person has abilities.

For example, eighty-year-old Liev Tov Lin can attract any metals (metal objects) to your body, even a car “his call happens.” And the eighty-three-year-old Kazakh Seken Tolebekov with his bare hands splits the strongest cobblestones, which It’s not easy to smash a sledgehammer.

In the world there are only a few people who are from birth blind but easy to navigate in space thanks “dawned” in them the ability to dowsing, like dolphins or bats. Among these few are Ben Underwood.

But the modern Japanese samurai Isao Machi is not afraid of a bullet, released into it. He has such a unique response and accuracy of movements, which easily splits the flying bullet of a samurai by the sword.

Wim Hof, who, with the help of long trainings on the Tummo system learned to regulate body temperature. Thanks to this, he went down under the ice to eighty meters deep without warm equipment, ran through stripped half marathon beyond the Arctic Circle, showed a long sleep in the snow and much more.

Photo from open sources

All of this, in principle, can each of us. You just need it be born or really want to be one.

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