Photos from open sources In the police on duty of the Belgorod district recently rang out another call, and the man on the other end of the wire complained that he was robbed … by a ghost. Despite the fact that in many countries law enforcement agencies do not answer such calls, Belgorod the police still decided to follow the crime scene and find out what happened there.
According to the press service of the regional GU Ministry of Internal Affairs, the victim allegedly robbed by an unknown entity, for no reason appeared at him at home. Between the owner of the apartment and the night guest short talk. The victim asked that the stranger is here does, and he replied that he was looking for someone. Then the victim fell asleep, because the day before I celebrated on a grand scale the birthday of a friend and was intoxicated. The next morning he noticed that he the purse with money disappeared, and the front door turned out in the evening uncovered through his own fault.
Arriving police officers immediately decided that no there was no ghost, and the most ordinary man robbed a man. Them guesses were confirmed when with the help of dog handlers it was possible to delay a twenty-five-year-old unemployed resident of the village with the same purse. The criminal traded with petty theft – walked at night in the porches and looked for unlocked doors, however, on the life and health of the sleeping tenants, fortunately, did not encroach.
A criminal case was instituted against the suspect under article “Theft committed with unlawful entry into the home.” At this moment local police check the involvement of the attacker in similar crimes committed in the area.
The incident, though it does not make us believe in otherworldly forces, however, it gives you the opportunity to think about the security of your own dwellings. If you simply do not close the front door, then you can to be a victim of a criminal is much worse than the one that was speech – and become a ghost yourself.