Bill Gates Concerned

Bill Gates is concernedA photo from open sources

Recently, many prominent scientists, major businessmen and politicians capable of influencing the development of our society show my fear of the rapid progress of mankind towards artificial intelligence.

This is worried, for example, by the famous physicist Stephen. Hawking, founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motor Elon Musk and many others. Recently, the former head of Microsoft, billionaire Bill Gates expressed his point of view on this subject.

Bill Gates considers himself a camp for those who believe that a person at a certain stage in the development of artificial intelligence, that is, the creation of robots that can do everything for us, without fail lose control of this process. Smart cars, highlights Bill, can become not only smart, but also cunning, insidious, like it has been shown more than once in world cinema. Do not understand this danger means dooming humanity to world catastrophe, to bring closer that Day of Judgment, which we have already prepared for ourselves crazy arms race and the wrong attitude to nature. Now let’s add a mechanism that all this devilry will bring into action.

Recall among the proponents of artificial intelligence also there are many prominent scientists and the “mighty of this world.” For example, one of current Microsoft Research executives Eric Horvitz the other day stated that artificial intelligence is good for humanity, and because scientific research in this direction is necessary not only continue, but certainly accelerate.

Bill Gates Artificial Intelligence Stephen Hawking

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