Bill Gates told what the future holds humanity due to climate change

Bill Gates spoke about the future of mankind due to climate change.A photo from open sources

Before the upcoming UN summit, which is dedicated to global climate change, Bill Gates said processes Global warming will affect every inhabitant of the Earth. It’s unavoidable will lead to new wars.

Gates said the US is finally beginning to understand the threat climate change. A survey conducted by CBS News showed that two-thirds of Americans perceive climate change as either crisis, or as a very serious problem. The majority of respondents considers that it is impossible to procrastinate and it is urgent to solve this a problem.

The irony is that African countries are less than 1% responsible for global climate processes, however it will be the hardest for them. The ongoing climate change will lead to risky living a combination of humidity and heat in Africa. Will suffer greatly agriculture, due to which there is a large part African population. This will ultimately lead to hunger and the growth of civil unrest.

For example, a similar situation could be observed in Syria, when in 2011, riots broke out on the streets. Few drew attention to the fact that shortly before the start of the conflict, Syria survived one of the most severe droughts in history. Due to losses in rural over 1.5 million people threw their land and went into cities. Some researchers believe that this phenomenon is only intensified the impending conflict.

Millions of Syrians began to relocate en masse to neighboring Turkey and Lebanon, and then further to European countries. Regions in these countries were destabilized due to nationalist sentiment in society. A similar scenario inevitably threatens African countries, Gates believes. And against the background of agro-cultural problems, this will be many times worse.

By the end of 2019, the Global Commission for Adaptation to Change climate, led by Bill Gates, promises to prepare a plan action in the context of global climate change.

Andrey Vetrov

Bill Gates Climate Syria

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