Biorobots among us

Biorobots among usA photo from open sources

The fact that biorobots may be present among people, acting as observers or representatives of other civilizations started talking not so long ago. But the facts are still few. Robots rarely give themselves away. Yet sometimes this happens.

Volgograd journalist Elena Belousova is far from immediately decided to tell me a mysterious story about my mother’s older brother, his uncle Mikhail Nikiforovich Uskov. I thought that since there is no direct evidence, it is unlikely that someone outsiders will believe in their family secret. Even from relatives, few people believe in this, and even with parties … Of course, they will think that the person was not in himself and carried about in vain However over many years of research abnormal I rarely encountered phenomena, but still came across similar strange facts, so I asked to tell everything without hiding.

Mikhail was born in 1931 and left his family early: right after He entered the vocational school, lived and studied in another city. There were five children in the family: three sisters and two brothers. All swarthy, in father, and the fair-haired Bear – to mom. Their mom died during war, and the second wife of his father, stepmother therefore disliked Misha – he reminded her of her husband’s first wife. And Mishka left as soon as possible to government grub in a vocational school, and then disappeared. Helena grew up at a time when little was known about Michael in the family: somewhere dangles around the country, and maybe not alive already.

He unexpectedly appeared already in 1969: he arrived in Volgograd to relatives, but … under a different name and surname. It turns out they are with as a friend after graduation, we rode together on the same train and accidentally changed metrics. At some station we parted each in their own direction and never met again. When teddy bear grabbed it, he had the metric of his classmate Petka Popov. An accidental coincidence was that his mother’s maiden name was Popov, therefore, he did not change documents: it was troublesome to prove something, to conduct a search … He took the name of Peter, although in his native his family was still called Misha. Birthday has also changed. Much later he will come to the conclusion that such a change of all his data hardly was accidental.

The fate of Michael was unusual. He participated in raising virgin lands in Kazakh steppe, visited the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, then ended up in Central Asia, experienced a strong earthquake in Almaty. He was married a couple of times, but finally rooted in the village of Chelpon-Ata near Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan. He liked the places very much, and he did not want to go anywhere. to relocate. There he married a third time, they had a son. Michael worked as the deputy director of the sanatorium on Issyk-Kul, then All-Union health resorts. Later Elena with her mother, Michael’s sister, We went to visit him. In Soviet times, it was not difficult: train tickets were inexpensive. And there really are places fabulous in beauty. He even got his apiary and very proud of his mountain honey and mead, which he did. Interesting was: the wife calls Michael Peter, and relatives only Misha. Never were able to get used to his new name.

The last time he came to Volgograd in January 1986. how time for the funeral of their disabled sister. She was the core and courageously carried her heavy cross all her life. Then Michael told about the incredible …

“I found out that I am a robot …”

– In the evening of January 17, the day of my aunt’s funeral, we don’t dispersed from the house where she lived, Elena recalled. – remembered grieved her. Suddenly the doorbell rang – on the threshold stood … Michael! I must say, we did not inform him about the death of his sister: from him again it was news, and going to the winter from such a distance was not easy. Well, naturally, there were interrogations …

It turned out that Mikhail left home when his sister was still is alive. But how did he know that she would die these days? Surprise relatives knew no bounds. Just because the composition because snowdrifts stood for many hours in Saratov, Misha for the funeral did not have time. He lived with Elena and her mother for a day in an apartment on Dar-Gor near the Kazan Cathedral and then told them a secret about himself.

And before that, they all went together to the temple to put candles for rest the soul of the departed. Michael walked around the church, as they walk in the museum: hands behind his back, carefully examined the icons, did not baptize.

– What are you going to church like that? – in a whisper pleaded sister.

– But there is no god, – in an undertone, but firmly, with confidence, answered Michael. – We are controlled by the Higher Mind, and this is not a god. Mind controls the Earth, and we are like ants for him. We are completely him subject to.

Strange, of course, speeches, but at that godless time this was not in a curiosity. In the evening, a strange conversation continued.

“Do you know that I’m not your brother?” – looking at his sister, he turned he to Lyudmila when they settled down in a drawing room in armchairs and on couch. – Your brother Michael died at the age of 5? When in the late fall fell on ice in a ditch with water.

– How?! What are you saying? – Lyudmila was indignant Nikiforovna. She remembered her brother more by her stories. older sisters and brother, but already went to visit him on Issyk-Kul. Naturally, I perceived him as a native. Yes, and children’s pictures stored in their family album.

– Yes, imagine, I’m not a human at all, I am a robot in the guise of your brother, ”said Mikhail. “But do not be alarmed, but listen.” Then you will judge whether to believe me or not, whether I am normal or greetings.

He carefully examined the women, was silent for a while, deciding something to myself. He looks serious, only his lips are slightly touched half smile. But the eyes are gloomy, even as if detached, inanimate.

“I myself did not know anything about it,” the guest sighed. – Opening came most recently in a dream. It turns out like a robot I “broke”, that’s why I’m talking about it now. Not really one a human robot cannot and should not know that it is a robot. Own life he lives like an ordinary person, with his specific story, never wondering why it is happening to him some incredible things. In other words, he thinks that just is his fate. I remember, it was so shocking that I could not stand it and told about everything to his friend. Naturally, a friend did not believe it, but I literally received for such talk on the head. On the his motorcycle had an accident. The blow hit my head and I took a long time lay with an unbroken memory. It was then that I realized that it was the first warning that I am silent.

Women sat in fear, not knowing how to relate to such strange recognition.

“Misha, you scare us,” Elena’s mother recovered. – Well, why did you get about the robot? What does the robot have to do with it?

– Listen here … Only I can tell you about it. Can, understand. It is useless for a younger communist brother to talk about anything. He will not understand and will not believe. However, it’s hard for me to hide this secret. After all after silence, I, essentially, commit a crime against people. And people must know. Someday this will cease to be a secret. Especially I have a little left …

It was strange to hear this from a 54-year-old man. He looked like healthy, strong, full of strength man. Was tall, slim for his age and manly interesting: the beginning gray hair painted it. AND most importantly, he was never sick.

That’s how it all happened, according to Michael.

A five-year-old child in November 1936, he fell under the ice in deep construction ditch. Floundered briefly: from cold water his throat constricted with a spasm, there was nothing to breathe, and he lost consciousness. While the adults came running, the boy was under water for 20 minutes. Apparently, there was a clinical death, but he was pumped out, especially since He swallowed a little water. It was then, in all likelihood, his soul was replaced by an information-administrative matrix creatures from another world. So modern ufologists called another life program – matrix. The replacement operation itself is called in scientific transmigration.

Soon, the little boy forgot about the incident, but strangeness in his life just started. He himself felt differently, but did not want to look inadequate and hid the changes.

How did the new features appear? One of the features – he could not sit on the ground for a long time. Only settle down, find work on soul – clap! – again breaks down and again goes somewhere. how tumbleweed, although there is no particular desire for moving had.

– I now understand that I was deliberately thrown into different parts and in various situations. The country is full of such places. Apparently I performed observer function, – Mikhail said. – Let’s say there were commands: go to the station, take a ticket for the first train and go there. it there was a voice in my head. I don’t want to go anywhere, I have a family … But I went to the station and took a ticket. And not always coming back. For some reason, not could disobey the order. Traveled the whole country. Former families decayed. As a result, he ended up in Issyk-Kul and did not want to to leave from there. He was stubborn if such orders were received.

He does not know exactly what happened, why the owners from another world deemed it futile. Or Elena didn’t catch a specific motive for his removal from the task. Now about this you can only guess, since more than a quarter century has passed since that conversation. A possible reason was the unfortunate death of Michael in the snowy steppes.

… He and his partner fell into a snowstorm in the steppe when he was on the virgin lands. Winters are harsh there, and it is easy to get lost in the steppe. They are over fuel, and the car began to drift with snow. By some miracle them soon discovered. But a friend died of hypothermia. Michael Peter is also not gave signs of life, and he was placed in a morgue. When the nurse began to rummage through his pockets in search of money, Misha is very outraged, and he groaned. “Oh, alive!” The woman screamed and jumped out of the room. Mikhail was immediately resuscitated, he survived, losing, however, just five fingers on both hands. But, probably something happened to his brain and he ceased to be a full-fledged assistant to other forces. At least once in a dream he was told that his term was ending and he would be removed. Usually his contacts took place in a dream.

– I know that I can’t be told about this, they’ll remove me, because they don’t need broken and talkative robots, – said Michael, – but someone should know about it! – He is with hope looked into the eyes of women.

Robot Predictions

Michael explained the reason for arriving at the sister’s funeral. Say he can predict events. Inexplicably given these knowledge from the outside. Lena doesn’t remember everything, but, say, there was Mikhail’s story about political situation in the world. As if many changes will be connected with the name of Gorbachev, the process of rapprochement with the United States will begin, will be accepted measures to limit missile defense. But most importantly, she remembered: the threat World War III will be eliminated. There will be no war.

He said that he could predict fate. The first thing that came in the head of young Elena, is to ask if she will marry and when? it now, years later, she understands that it was necessary not only about this ask your uncle …

Michael smiled:

– You will marry. Sure! Do you want right tomorrow to you will a young man come? But you choose. Maybe he don’t like it …

Well, joking. And the next day the doorbell rang: “Lena lives here?” It turns out that her mom’s friend worked in hotel, and a young guest wanted to see Volgograd. Well that and asked Lenka to walk and ride with a man. Of course maybe this is a coincidence, but, you see, strange – not earlier and not later, but the very next day, as Uncle Misha predicted. However, continuation of the acquaintance did not follow, but then Lena herself did not accelerate events.

And to his sister about a possible marriage, he said: “To you, Luda, this is not necessary. Extra troubles … “Well, so it happened.

They also remember Misha’s phrase: “I’ll leave, and you have severe frosts will begin. “And for sure! It got cold so that many summer residents then their orchards were cut down: trees died, especially apricots and peaches.

In a word, the conversation was not easy, and, of course, he left trace in memory. Especially when his foreboding about the imminent care. Michael was with them in January, and in September a telegram came about his death. Both sisters flew to the funeral. But they did not recognize Michael! In the coffin lay a completely different person! His hair the suit, too, and the appearance has changed beyond recognition.

The local hospital did not know under what circumstances he died Peter Popov. Just as they did not know the exact date of death … He had apiary in the mountains, and he went there on a motorcycle with a sidecar. There on mountain roads, you will not pick up speed, you will not especially accelerate. However he fell and hit his head. The skull is not broken, at the point of impact noticeable dent. It’s like a bone is depressed. And Mikhail confidently said that they’ll remove him. It was such a mysterious death. AND even the body shell in the coffin was different …

“Now, Gennady, you know everything,” she finished her story. Helena.

– And now how do you perceive all this? Long got used to it revelation about the robot? – I cling to any strings.

– No, for some reason I immediately believed. Surprisingly, but soon, as if by order, a television serial was shown on television the story of Vily Lipatov “And this is all about him.” There is Igor Kostolevsky playing … So his hero (I do not remember under any circumstances) for some reason called himself a robot. Then I met here and there articles about biorobots in our society. Even you, in my opinion, wrote about this. Therefore, I decided to find you and tell the story of Uncle Misha. Your the right to believe or not.

Yeah … Another mysterious page of our boring being on planet Earth has slightly opened. But she has almost no knowledge added. Just a hunch. The Supreme Mind seems to continue playing with us.

P.S. The photo of the hero, as planned, we can not provide. Suddenly, not earlier and not later, serious trouble in the family of his relatives. As if forces from outside obstruct publication. Gennady BELIMOV

War Water Time Life in a matrix Life Robots Snow

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