A photo from open sources
On Earth, there are places that people call “dead.” Local residents whisper that none of those who ventured to go to black spot, did not return back. Usually it’s always exaggeration. Most people visiting such “abnormal” zones come back. But some really disappear and die in these inaccessible areas. And the percentage of losses exceeds the average norm is several times. Often death or disappearance is accompanied by circumstances other than can not be called strange or mystical. One such place is a wide valley in northern Canada along the South Nahanni River, having the terrible name Headless Valley.
First victims
In 1896, gold was found in Alaska. They rushed there very soon hundreds of thousands of workers yesterday, farmers and bank clerks, enrolled in gold prospectors. But many on Klondike were waiting disappointment. Discovered gold sites were dismantled old-timers and first-time visitors. Only new arrivals look for new gold deposits.
In 1898, six gold prospectors arrived in the river valley South Nahanni and decided to settle in it. Local indians recommended that visitors abandon their venture. About the valley went very bad rumors, the Indians themselves did not settle in it and tried without special need not to appear there. But white people in superstition are not believed, and as for the dangers – they were all experienced people, accustomed to betting their lives on, everyone knew how to handle Winchester and Colt.
Several months passed, and it became clear that the brave six will never return from the valley. These daredevils officially opened list of victims of the Valley of the Headless.
A photo from open sources
How the valley became the “Headless Valley”
In 1905, another batch of gold miners left for the valley: brothers Frank and William Macleods and their friend Robert Veer. They knew about the sad fate of the predecessors, but the call of gold drowned out the voice careful mind. Three years later, one of the hunters by chance discovered the decapitated remains of young people. Local indians they were not surprised at all. They have long known that the remains of the missing in the valley of people is often found devoid of skulls. Police strange fact testified, and the nameless place before that became the Valley headless.
The list of victims is replenished.
Over the next decades, an increasing number of visitors gold seekers were disturbed by the peace and quiet of the valley. Ros her list victims. 1922 – John Brian; 1923 – Angus Hall; 1932 – Phil Powers; 1936 – Joseph Mulgelland and William Eppler; 1940 – Homberg; 1945 – Savard 1962 – Blake Mackenzie; 1963 – Thomas Papp and Orville Webb.
In 1965, a Swedish-German group of 3 arrived in the valley a man with the goal of revealing the secret of a black spot. Each of them was a strong healthy young man, ready for any dangers.
Their headless corpses were found a few months later.
Hank Mortimer Group, 1978
6 people, led by Hank Mortimer, carried with them not only weapons, but also scientific equipment. They were preparing for a meeting not only with bandits, savages or dangerous animals, but also with unfamiliar physical phenomena. The group’s last message was filled with panic horror: “Emptiness comes out of the rock!” (Researchers are still wondering about the meaning of this message) Immediately a helicopter with rescuers flew out, but they did not discovered. Soon they found Hank’s corpse. Naturally, without a head.
Missing Expeditions
In 1980, Spiegel magazine hired and sent to the Valley of Three former US Marines with survival training in dangerous areas. The group left and disappeared without a trace.
The last attempt was made in 1997. Part expeditions, besides the military, included paranormal experts phenomena and abnormal zones. At the disposal of the group was custom-made armored all-terrain vehicle, stuffed scientific equipment that allows you to record video, both during the day and at night. The expedition should, if not reveal the secret, then at the very least come back alive.
On the third day, a message came that the valley began to fill strange fog. Its density is such that visibility is within outstretched arms. This message was the last. Departed group She found no escape or expeditionary armored all-terrain vehicle. They disappeared. Without a trace.
The shortest road to hell
The reader may have the impression that anyone entering the valley is already a 100% dead man and losing his head is just a matter of time. Not. In 1972, eight Englishmen sailed in two inflatable boats along the rivers of Northern Canada. The route ran along the South Nahanni River. through the Valley of the Headless. Everyone survived, although the journey was very heavy. Slopes, shallows, rocky ledges with a strong current – adrenaline was abundant. Expedition Leader Renolph Finnes characterized the South Nahanni site as follows: “If you are in a hurry to hell, this is the shortest way. ”
Is there a solution?
The criminal version that the police insisted on in 1898 year, could not stand the test of time. No gang will last 100 years or more. Indians believe that kills people Soskvat – so they call the local Bigfoot, into existence who is believed unconditionally. Fans of exotic theories are sure that in the Valley of the Headless there’s a tunnel to a parallel world, whose inhabitants take people and return their corpses.
There are many versions, no clues.