Black Swan, protecting the borders of his possession, attacked the dog

The black swan, protecting the borders of his possession, attacked the dogA photo from open sources

True, the attack itself occurred on the water, where the bird, waterfowl and having wings, had a great superiority over swimming dog, but this in no way diminishes the courage the swan, like our surprise at this unjustified aggressiveness with side of the “owner” of the city pond.

A black swan attacked a floating retriever in a pond the Chinese city of Chengdu, which is located in Sichuan. Dog just decided to swim, but for some reason the bird undertook to protect their water holdings from such interference. Not a black swan deny ingenuity, since on earth he would hardly begin to attack to the dog, and then … clearly seeing its helplessness, he resolutely attacked a hunting dog.

The owner of the dog, standing on the shore, could not help her to a pet, except for giving an order to urgently return. However, Sishi (this is the name of this golden handsome), it seems, and he perfectly understood that only aggressive birds can be saved on the land.

And the swan itself lagged behind the dog when it swam to the shore. Firstly, she no longer violated the border established by the bird, secondly, it became potentially dangerous for the “owner” the pond.

Still, we vainly underestimate the minds of animals and birds, not to mention their feelings and emotions. We swans, for example, ascribe some kind of unearthly love that a person can only with envy to dream. But it turns out to be this magnificent other feelings are inherent in birds, including not so exalted and beautiful.

The owner of the retriever, filming this scene, posted the video in social network of China, where he immediately collected millions of views, and Then he went to the expanses of the World Wide Web. This is understandable: an extraordinary and very instructive case …

Dogs Birds

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