Blue light emitted by a monitor or smartphone accelerates the aging process

The blue light emitted by a monitor or smartphone accelerates the aging processA photo from open sources

American scientists (Oregon) reported that a long exposure to the blue light of a monitor or smartphone can accelerate body aging.

The research team conducted an experiment on Drosophila, which were divided into two groups. One group of insects was kept in 12 hours in the dark and another group next to luminous blue LEDs. Insects from the second group lived less than from first one.

It turned out that in Drosophila under the influence of blue light the retinas and brain neurons collapsed. And blue light acted equally on blind individuals.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists concluded that an excess of artificial light may also it is dangerous to influence a person.

According to researchers, even the weakest light leads to shorten the life of Drosophila by almost 15 percent. At the same time, scientists clarified that a person does not receive as much light as these insects, which means this result cannot be applied to to people.

However, scientists note that in recent years, people more often use LED technology, which means they are more often exposed blue light. However, in developed countries, people do not take so long. use LED lighting to make the final conclusions about the harm of its effect on the human body. For this it is necessary to continue research in this direction.

Scientists are convinced that the effect of blue light does the same harm to insect cells and humans.

Formerly California Scientists Using Medicines were able to rejuvenate participants in a scientific experiment.

Andrey Vetrov

Insects Smartphones

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