Blue monsters attack Ukrainians

Blue monsters attack UkrainiansPhotos from open sources of

On the heads of poor Ukrainians in recent years alone misfortunes. And even the unprecedented hot weather established in Europe, brought them not the beach season, but a real danger in the form of invasions from the waters of the Dnieper and the Bug of terrible blue monsters – Nile crayfish.

What are the blue Nile crayfish

Just do not think that these are our Central European harmless crustaceans, so beloved by beer lovers. Nile crayfish differ from them not only in their attractive blue color, but in first of all – increased aggressiveness and fantastic organization (a unique collective mind bordering on supercomputer operation). For example, whales and sharks never decide to swim into the estuary (flooded estuary) of the Nile, since such madmen are immediately attacked by thousands of crayfish. One of them clog dahal, others hang on fins and tail, creating such a burden that the poor animal cannot move and soon dies. After which the crayfish successfully eat a reckless whale or shark, with almost no residue.

Nile cancer works equally well with both claws, in difference from our river mollusk, and their strength is such that steel wire with a diameter of up to 5 millimeters bites with ease. Add to this the size of such a monster – up to 60 centimeters without claws, and the horror picture that is happening now in the above-mentioned reservoirs of Ukraine will be clear to you.

A photo from open sources

According to the most modest forecasts in the Dnieper and the Bug, there are now to half a million of these bloodthirsty cancers, and this is just the beginning …

In order not to scare people, the authorities closed part of the Dnieper and Bug beaches under the pretext of dysfunctional sanitary and epidemiological situation, in fact, already there are not isolated cases of attacks by blue crayfish on bathers, after which only a small handful of bones remain from the person.

The worst thing is that Nile crabs multiply rapidly (one the female can bring up to 500 individuals per season), with adult cancer becomes in a month. Nile monsters can long time dispense with water, and therefore travel dozens on land kilometers. Therefore, if the Ukrainian authorities do not take action now urgent measures, then blue cancer in a few years can capture everything reservoirs of the country, having bred to tens or even hundreds millions.

How did these blue monsters get to Ukraine?

Very simple: they are beautiful, and therefore carefree Ukrainians, having a rest in Egypt, brought them for their aquariums, and when they saw that, growing up, they literally destroy everything living in it, just thrown into a nearby body of water or river.

A photo from open sources

The warm weather of this summer and the abundance of protein foods (Ukrainian authorities have been fighting African swine fever for several years, however animals killed by it, as a rule, are not burned, which is prescribed law and even common sense, but simply thrown off to local ponds) and allowed these blue monsters to breed so quickly. Moreover, in nature they have practically no enemies. Unfortunately this muck is not even edible unlike our crayfish – because the highest concentration in their meat of heavy metals (mercury, lead, antimony, copper).

How to deal with these cancers?

And one more punishment: their shells are so strong that they don’t inferior to bulletproof vests of the sixth strength class, and therefore easily withstand a bullet fired by their sniper rifle or assault rifle with distances of 10 meters. Horror and more!

How to deal with them? The only way is to build up to one hundred meters deep hunting pits with walls and a bottom of reinforced concrete and a thickness of at least one meter, luring crayfish there meat or your favorite Ukrainian fat. You understand this colossal costs for which the current government is unlikely they’ll go, and if they’ll even be allocated money for it, say, EU countries, frightened by the invasion of blue crayfish, then just steal the funds and, as always, will do nothing. So simple Ukrainian people can only sympathize, because if the Nile monsters will penetrate into all reservoirs of Ukraine, there will not be a single one fish, not a single living creature, not to mention that to such lakes, rivers and ponds will even be scared to approach …

A photo from open sources

Is the curse of the old pilgrim Ephraim coming true after the events of 2014, the outbreak of civil war in Ukraine and mass fascization of society, just anathematized this country? Moreover, he cursed, not even afraid of responsibility for this before By God.

I know, he said, that, cursing not a man, I’m whole demonic country, I have to repent and confess for a long time, because otherwise the Most High will punish me, but may I bear this great sin, only to forgive the Ukrainian people for their deceits, robberies, inciting hatred between nations and killing civilians, children, I can’t …

Sharks Time Monsters Ukraine

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