Bones found in the stomach of a huge catfish Wehrmacht officer

Bones of a Wehrmacht officer found in the stomach of a huge catfishA photo from open sources

Polish fishermen made an amazing discovery by opening their belly one hundred and sixty-kilogram catfish caught in the river Oder. Later it turned out that in the stomach of the monstrous fish contained fragments of the human skeleton and German military artifacts times of the second world war.

Marek Zdanovich and Alfons Brzozowski fished catfish in the beginning months near the confluence of the Beaver River into the Oder River. Some world journalists lit up the capture of a monster whose length is three meters seventy centimeters. However, on this news, concerning the giant catfish, not over. The other day, fishermen thawed the prey and gutted, finding the remains in her stomach human and Hitler badges. Poles called the police, and she started investigation to determine the origin of the bones and artifacts.

Examination showed that the elements of the skeleton belonged to a person, the deceased many years ago. Judging by the leftover clothes and badges with Nazi symbols, it was most likely a German officer, who died during the occupation of Poland. To professionals not less, it was not possible to establish whether he got into the stomach of the monster alive or already dead. Biologists who studied catfish reported that the age of the fish can be more than a hundred years, so it is possible that the monster really swallowed the Wehrmacht officer at one time and failed to remove his bones and clothes from the digestive tract.

According to scientists, conduct an analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid in this case is useless because the gastric juice of the fish, in of which the last seven decades have been bones, should significantly damage DNA.

Time Ancient Fish DNA Artifacts

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