“Bowl of the Soul” – a damn picture of the artist Zealand

A photo from open sources

Pictures, of course, bring harmony to our world, like any other art, provide aesthetic pleasure, are a reflection of his era, but sometimes canvases created by talented by the artist’s hand, begin to behave in this world mystically conscious, creating real problems for their masters, and even completely killing them.

It is far from accidental that the novel “Portrait of Dorian Gray” by Oscar was born Wilde, who himself is covered in some amazing secret, and the story in it about an amazing portrait is more like truth than fiction. In the last century, another noise was made. mystical painting “The Crying Boy” by Italian artist Bruno Amadio, who literally burned the houses where she was (by the way, also reproduced her home, which at one time did in London a whole fire alarm). And such mystical, damned there were many paintings in the history of painting.

Just do not need to think that in our time they are no longer there. Not at all for example, more recently in New Zealand there was another a mystical picture called “The Bowl of the Soul” (Soul Bowl – see photo), which is in an antique store in the city of Pauanui (eastern Coromandel Peninsula Coast on North Island New Zealand) acquired a resident of the same New Zealand, who wished Remain anonymous, September 17, 2017. The man was attracted to this canvas copper colors that are in perfect harmony with the wooden furniture in one of the upper rooms of his mansion. There was a picture hanged soon.

“Soul Bowl” shows its strange abilities

And here the most amazing thing began. The picture suddenly became fall by itself, although it was hung on the wall (and then outweighed) in the most reliable way. Further, devilry began to manifest itself more explicitly. Once the couple approached their mansion in the evening, in which could not be anyone, when they suddenly noticed that in the room on second floor, just in the one in which this damned the picture flashed a man’s shadow, as if someone had walked near window. Of course, there wasn’t a soul in the house …

The owner’s patience snapped when one night he woke up from some vague excitement, he was drawn to look out the window – and, oh God, in the courtyard lit by a lantern, he saw his shadow, freely walking off him. And at this time no one could penetrate into the courtyard, to cast this shadow, the wife quietly slept on beds, and the master of the house could not confuse his shadow with anything, she was too characteristic …

After that, the picture was taken from the wall of the room and sent to garage, and its owner soon posted an ad on the site New Zealand Trade Me Online Mystical Sale Auction canvases. He did not hide anything where he acquired, for how much, why sells (described in detail all the strange events in his house as only in it appeared a picture of Soul Bowl), offering to buy it people interested in paranormal phenomena, for example, ghostbusters.

A photo from open sources

The starting price of the canvas was set at just $ 40. IN during the month, while the picture hung on the portal until the last day bidding (January 19 this year), with the owner she corresponded almost two hundred people who are interested in a mystical work art. Among the answers of a man to various questions of interest potential buyers, there are several: in the antique the store where the canvas was purchased, the artist who created this “masterpiece,” called by the name of Jill; while the picture was in garage, nothing mystical happened in the house; in the picture on the side it is written in English “the soul is the cup”, and, meanwhile, the container for the soul (a cup), the human body is just considered: up at the end written “the shape of my”, which adds mystery even more to this canvas. Who was that mythical artist Jill and why did he it occurred to create such a mysterious masterpiece, it remains a mystery seven seals …

A photo from open sources

January 19 at 17:14 local time, the picture “Bowl of the soul” was sold out. Who and why bought it, and even at what price – unknown …

Time Artists

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