A photo from open sources Analysts believe that after 30 years implanted in the human brain electronics will become commonplace phenomenon, and will allow people to work much more efficiently. By According to experts, brain implants will seriously transform world structure. People who decide to add to their brain “additional capacity”, on average, will earn several times more than ordinary employees. In addition, devices introduced into cranial cavity and interacting with the human brain, strongly affect the work schedule, for example: duration the average working week by 2040 will increase to 50.5 hours. People with electronically enhanced brains will work more and Demonstrate significantly more effective performance. Recently, scientists at the Singapore Institute of Microelectronics have created a microchip that is implanted in the patient’s brain and provides full control of limb prostheses from the head. Chip being placed in the cerebral cortex, forms a connection between the human mind and prosthesis, thereby allowing the patient again stand up on feet. The created chip is so small that after implantation does not harm sensitive tissues.