Brazilian strong man moved wrong parked car

Brazilian strongman moved a wrongly parked carA photo from open sources On the World Wide Web appeared filmed on mobile phone camera roller that in just a few days scored over seven million views. Video titled “The Most strongest man in the world “quickly gained popularity among regulars of the Internet and was even shown on the news in various countries of the world.

A curious incident occurred on one of the Brazilian streets. The video, which lasts a little more than half a minute, demonstrates Patient cyclist. Big man own hands lifts a car parked on a bicycle to the track, and to the cheers and applause of the crowd moves the car to the side. Then satisfied with the result the strongman calmly sits on his two-wheeled vehicle and is leaving. In this case, one passerby, not distinguishing large physique, tried in vain to help a man.

It is not known who parked the Fiat Uno mini-car on bike path, however, we can safely assume that the owner of the car will be very surprised when he sees that she was moved. The weight of the car is after all from seven hundred to nine hundred kilograms.

It is worth noting that cars are raised and rearranged by people with to avoid any trouble relatively often. So in early June of this year several dozen British joint effort raised a double-decker bus to save a life falling under the wheels of a pensioner.

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