Brewers created beer without a hangover Ekaterinburg

Beer without a hangover was created by the brewers of YekaterinburgPhoto from open sources

A unique recipe for your favorite foamy drink, both men and women, created by specialists of the Ural Federal University. Thanks to their recipe, beer is not just tasty and useful, but also without unpleasant consequences in the form of morning hangover – if consumed in large volume.

As the developers assure, they are not for the sake of a beautiful word used to characterize their low alcohol drink such a thing as “utility.” Their beer really has such characteristics, since it contains various minerals with anticarcinogenic properties.

But the main advantage of the new beer, says the professor UrFu Elena Kovaleva, is his derangedness. It was achieved by using root extract when brewing beer kudzu, which significantly reduce toxic effects on the body human alcohol drink. For example, in China using From the earliest times, the roots of Kudzu fought against alcohol addiction. The roots of this amazing plant, on the one hand, reinforce the effect of intoxication, which allows you to drink less alcohol, and on the other – Contribute to faster elimination of decay products from the body. ethyl alcohol.

Moreover, hangover-free beer will be made from inexpensive components, and therefore will be available for any ordinary consumer of Russia. At the same time, Elena Kovaleva emphasizes that they are in their work was not at all oriented towards advertising alcohol and promote its use among Russians, realizing that alcohol-containing drinks are in any case harmful to health human, especially in large volumes. However their new beer will bring minimum harm and maximum (if I may say so when this) benefit. At least compared to others low-alcohol drinks and with other beers of the same beer, which is so loved by many Russians …

Interesting, discuss this interesting news for many themselves Russians, drink-free beer can only be drunk in Yekaterinburg or it will appear in retail outlets and in other regions of the Russian Federation? It would be interesting to try …

Plants Russia

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