A photo from open sources
That’s what the leadership of the English county of Wiltshire did, which legally determined that circles on agricultural margins is a criminal offense.
According to comments by Wiltshire Police Spokesperson, such illegal actions cause serious harm to farmers, and, not only directly destroying the crop, but also the type of attraction to to these “mysterious circles” of various kinds of researchers, journalists, just curious and tourists. Therefore from today days, county farmers are required to report similar “outrages” in the fields to the police by phone 999, after which these violations will be dealt with by law enforcement agencies.
Yes, you can agree with the Wiltshire County authorities that the bullies and pranksters should be punished, however crop circles are most often appear in a mysterious way, and to explain this phenomenon is not can even scientists spending on similar agricultural “paintings” serious scientific research. What about the police in this case will fight all this? Does she really have methods intimidation and punishment of aliens, which, as has long been proven independent researchers, so here they tell us any information or even send warnings?
It turns out that again only independents will suffer researchers who (for the good of humanity) are trying to decipher these mysterious messages. They are now legislative will be cut off from the possibility of even photographing crop circles: county authorities allowed to shoot down drones trying to remove all this “disgrace”, although it is not clear how such aerial photography can stop farmers from growing crops? ..