Briton constantly talking on mobile, died of brain cancer

The British, constantly talking on his cell, died of brain cancerA photo from open sources

We are used to hearing that frequent and lengthy conversations on a mobile phone may be fraught with brain diseases, however few of us seriously think about how destructive is the impact of this gadget on our health. If you not feel the negative consequences right here and now it’s does not mean that they are not at all. The other day the world has stirred up history Briton, who did not part with his cell phone and therefore died from oncology.

Welsh resident Ian Phillips dies at the age of forty four years from a malignant brain tumor. Ironically, the man worked as a consultant for a healthy lifestyle. Not less, he was unlikely to suspect that a low-carb diet and daily exercise is not all that is needed for the proper functioning of the body. Shielding yourself from different harmful effects of some of the achievements of civilization are not less important, and constant phone conversations are just the same are extremely harmful.

The man worked as a consultant for more than eight years. Average Welshman, using a mobile phone, chatted with his customers in six hours a day. Multiply this number by thirty and get one hundred eighty hours. In other words, Phillips spent every month on telephone conversations for seven and a half days, despite the fact that doctors today recommend using your cell phone for no more than fifteen hours per month, that is, on average about half an hour a day.

Mobile Phone Causes Death

Operating the phone incessantly, the Briton got a terrible disease. In 2010, doctors diagnosed his brain a tumor the size of a lemon. A difficult nine-hour was spent an operation during which a malignant tumor was removed. After that, Ian quit his job and began to engage in propaganda. rejection of mobile, especially among young compatriots. If Welshman and used a cell phone, then resorted to a special headset, connected to a smartphone and simulating a stationary tube telephone with a twisted wire. She lets talk, not holding the gadget to the head.

A photo from open sources

Unfortunately, the tumor returned. Doctors rated her this time. as inoperable, and Phillips passed away later this month. Relatives of the late British report that he is struggling fought for life, but he failed to defeat an incurable ailment. “It would be better if I was miserable and didn’t have a mobile at all. such a job, “admitted the unfortunate man on his deathbed.

It is noteworthy that American scientists spent this year an experiment during which they subjected for five months laboratory mice exposed to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones. After such a short time, three percent of experimental rodents were found to have cancer cells, which were formed, according to experts, precisely as a result of exposure to gadgets.

Time Life Oncology

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