Buddhist Lamas Refute Tibetan Statements monk about the end of the world

According to the calculations of their astrologers, humanity in the near future nothing threatens Photo from open sources On the Internet at a tremendous speed rumors are circulating about the end of the world that is supposed to come 21 December 2012 The authorship of the prediction is attributed to a certain lama from the Gyandrek monastery near Kailash, known as the Oracle of Shambhala. It got to the point that in Krasnoyarsk, businessmen are talking about the future. the horrors that will last for some reason 2 weeks have begun … to sell places in bomb shelters. Still would! If you follow the instructions of this llamas, then on December 21 the lights go out, the water supply systems fly – In general, a real apocalypse will come for the townspeople. Good will only be for those who live in private homes and use ordinary village stoves. They will end the world without problems: firewood there is water from the well, and if the supply of candles runs out, they will switch to bends and will go to bed early. The rest will have to move to the villages … and live there until spring, until everything settles down. -You know about the prophecies of a Tibetan monk, a llama from a monastery Gyandrek ?, – KP correspondents clarify this issue decided by contacting representatives of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha Of Russia. “We know,” said a spokesman for Russian Buddhists, Sokto Lama Balzhinimaev. – Just fudge all this. No end light in the foreseeable future, according to the calculations of our astrologers, not expected. If something serious were supposed, then the chapter Buddhists of Russia, Pandito Hamba Lama XXIV, necessarily warned would be the population. By the way, we generally question not only the words this monk, but even his very existence. Anyway, it is unknown to us. -And how long does planet Earth live, according to Buddhist astrologers? “Long,” replied Sokto Lama. – To Earth by the queues should come 1000 Buddhas. So far only four have come. The fifth Buddha is expected in about 2.5 thousand years. But then humanity will exist, at least until they come another 995. Meanwhile, modern researchers claim that the ancient Mayans, to which the authors of the prophecies like to refer, do not made apocalyptic prophecies.

Astrologers End of the World Russia

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