Burning priceless books – history repeated

Burning priceless books - history repeats itselfA photo from open sources

In the middle of the last century, German fascists became the first vandals who began to burn books – the property of mankind, his experience, culture and wisdom. It seemed that since humanity has stepped forward and such barbarism in the world is simply impossible. However…

However, today priceless books are burning again, which now destroy the Iraqi Islamists who recently blew up the central the Muslim library of Genam at-Taan, and a fire was made in the courtyard from the most valuable books and manuscripts that make up the cultural heritage this country, and the whole world as a whole.

And this, unfortunately, is not the only act of vandalism, is not fit into the minds of an enlightened person, this medieval barbarism by Islamic militants state. “Having occupied the city of Mosul in June last year, they destroyed here the tomb and mosque of Jonah (Yunus), which was revered and Muslims, and Christians, destroyed the mosque of the Prophet George Victorious (Girgis), defeated (literally – with sledgehammers) historical museum, not sparing even the unique (truly priceless) Sumerian sculpture of Shedu of the 9th century BC (winged bull with human face). And now they are calling to destroy the Sphinx and Pyramids of Egypt.

On behalf of UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova the other day there was a demand to urgently convene a meeting on this subject UN Security Council. It is urgent to decide what can be done. undertake to save the cultural heritage of world significance, which is destroyed by the radicals of the “Islamic State”.


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