Buying shoes online is no problem!

Buying shoes online - no problem!A photo from open sources

St. Petersburg developers intend to make a breakthrough in the field virtual shopping. Scientists from the Polytechnic University a program has been created that will avoid many problems when buying shoes – the most difficult of goods. Virtual fitting room is an international project based on 3D modeling. The program is currently undergoing testing.

Buying new shoes traditionally takes place slowly. Every couple you should thoroughly try on, walk around or even jump in it, to evaluate the level of comfort. And St. Petersburg specialists offer the whole process to be reduced to three photographs and one click computer mouse.

Developers of a new method teach Internet users to do snapshot of your own leg. Foot (always wearing a dark sock) removed from 3 angles. Then using a special program photos are processed and compared with a three-dimensional model liked the boot from the online store. By the way, development The authors of the project were involved in this program for several months.

Neither the Americans nor the Chinese, who have undertaken similar attempts, a similar success never dreamed of. Virtual visitor fitting room receives a resume that clearly demonstrates in in which place the chosen shoes will reap, in which – hang out, in which one – to sit perfectly. The corresponding zones are painted in certain colors.

A photo from open sources

Today the program is being tested by a major European manufacturer shoes, however, Russian online stores are also interested in it. Domestic mods will be able to buy shoes, boots and sneakers in end of this year. Heel lovers, unfortunately, are forced to will wait. Not all at once, and developers have money for everything not enough yet …

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