By whom, how and on the basis of what were created people

By whom, how and on the basis of which people were createdPhoto from open sources

Italian scientists came to the conclusion: people on our planet, like, however, and the entire structure of terrestrial biological life, made on based on the well-known and widely used in the manufacture of monitors technology, that is, liquid crystal.

Independent researchers of Italy claim that they studied RNA structure, using the most modern devices and the latest technology, which allowed them to discover the unusual structure of proteins, clearly artificially created from liquid crystals. Who and why created biological life on Earth in this way, you can only guess, however, by itself, the simplest the assumption – it was made by aliens, or gods (it’s like someone it is more convenient to consider our ancestors).

The structure of RNA molecules based on liquid crystals, scientists believe, suggests unlimited possibilities such “biological life” – just remember all about it more breathtaking technological developments regarding modern gadgets. Therefore the concept of genetic structure any biological species on the planet, including humans, like metabolic processes occurring in the organisms of all living on Earth, Italian scientists say, should be reviewed. By the way, they notice, for this reason we underestimate the possibilities human brain, only marveling at the amorphous nature of most it, which has not yet been used by man.

Fantastic version of Italian researchers about extraterrestrial the origin of biological life on our planet perceived warily. This is understandable, orthodox science is not yet recognizes even the existence of extraterrestrial life, not like that “artificial matrix” created by unknown people on our planet. You can be skeptical about this information even for that the simple reason that it does not fit into the established an idea of ​​our world and the role of man in it, assimilated by each of us since childhood. But … time, as practice shows, most often breaks old stereotypes, including the origin of everything existing, that is, the universe, reason, and so on …

A life

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