A photo from open sources It turns out, yes, you can. At least, UK Heart Institute staff for a long time developed a diagnostic device that could predict a person’s heart attack, stroke, and so Further.
The device, called Globorisk, identifies the possibility of a heart attack, stroke and other heart diseases ten years before the tragedy then eat catches the appearance of their first symptoms.
The device diagnoses the level of cholesterol in the blood, measures blood pressure, takes into account the age, gender of the person, his harmful and good habits, food, country of residence, climate and many other factors that affect the functioning of the heart, and in ultimately determines what will happen to a person’s heart an attack in the future or not, and when it can happen.
Globorisk has already been tested on many advanced volunteers age in eleven countries. As the device showed, predisposition to heart attack and other heart diseases more total observed in those countries whose majority are below the poverty line of, say, Mexico, China, India. By statistics of the new device, more than a third of the population of these territories may suffer from heart disease in the future.
The apparatus of English scientists also showed that residents highly developed countries such as Denmark or Spain, heart attack or stroke threatens much less – the risk of heart disease in these states does not exceed ten percent.
Useful advice: what to do if a heart attack occurs in a deserted location.