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A group of researchers from Canada revealed a secret crystallization of gold in water. Scientists have discovered the bacterium Delfitia, due to which a reaction occurs in water with dissolved gold and a precious metal is formed. Scientists report that microorganism to survive (dissolved gold extremely toxic), protects itself with a special molecule, which itself and highlights. In addition, this molecule breaks down poisonous ions, it also performs the main function – the crystallization of gold. The molecule is called delftibactin A. In order for it to successfully reacted with gold, two must be considered conditions: ordinary water (ph-neutral) and room temperature, – reports Russia Today. However, this does not mean that scientists invented liquid “philosopher’s stone”. One of the authors of the study, Nathan Maragway stressed that the experiment does not guarantee scientists the possibility of “growing” gold in vitro. However, he added that it is “theoretically possible.” Any water contains a small number of gold ions, which in theory could to select and collect in a more or less full-fledged ingot. Do it very difficult. However, the bacterium studied by Canadian microbiologists knows one natural trick that allows her to literally live in pieces precious metal. Gold ions are present in marine and tap water, sewer, mining waste industry. There are only a few particles per trillion. They are easy react with various chemicals, which is why they difficult to translate into a stable form, characteristic of casting beautiful yellow light ingots. However, the bacterium Delftia acidovorans knows how to turn individual ions into nuggets. For this, the microorganism uses delftibactin (delftibactin) – a substance that causes gold to precipitate from solution. Bacteria thus create a safe environment for themselves. life (ions no longer threaten their cells) and a nice golden house, which many could only dream of. In an article published in Journal of Nature Chemical Biology, scientists from McMaster University (McMaster University) report that they were able to determine which genes are responsible for gold production processes and for the first time highlight the so-called delftibactin. If researchers get it substance in sufficient quantities, then they may succeed to fulfill the dream of many alchemists of antiquity – to turn water into gold. Here, however, it is worth noting that water will be very necessary many. In addition, a substance created by bacteria with at least hunts for iron ions from the water. And that means that biologists the output can get iron nuggets with an admixture of gold. As if however, the achievement of the scientists of Canada can be used to sewage treatment, which, as you know, contain almost all periodic table, and for the allocation of gold from waste mining industry. Delftibactin may also come in handy for creating catalysts in the form of gold particles, which are necessary to accelerate many chemical reactions. We add that another species is suspected of isolating gold from water bacteria currently being studied by microbiologists from the University of Adelaide (University of Adelaide). Representatives of the species Cupriavidus scientists discovered metallidurans in biofilms on gold nuggets, that were found at a distance of several thousand kilometers each from friend. These microorganisms accumulate inert nanoparticles. gold inside its cells, also ridding itself of the dangerous, gold dissolved in the surrounding water.