Cancer apple extract is better than chemotherapy

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Laboratory studies have shown that oligosaccharides, contained in apples kill up to 46 percent of human cells colon cancer, and by a wide margin surpass all the most commonly used chemotherapy drugs at any stage. IN unlike toxic chemotherapy drugs, oligosaccharides are natural health-enhancing compounds in large quantities contained in vegetables and fruits. At present colon cancer time is the second main cause cancer mortality among women worldwide and the third the reason is in men. Standard chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of colon cancer, allow to achieve only partial success, and have serious side effects, such as coronary spasm, neurotoxicity, anemia, and immunosuppression. Researchers focused on apples as natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of colon cancer, as these fruits are the most widely consumed fruit in many countries, and have already demonstrated their merits when treating cancer of the breast, ovaries, lungs, liver and colon guts. Apple oligosaccharides were considered in this work because of that their anti-cancer properties have been confirmed in previous research, and getting them from apple cake – waste, remaining during the production of apple juice on an industrial scale – can be much cheaper. Chinese researchers from the university in Xi’an received polysaccharides (pectin and other fibers) from oilcake and treated with natural pectinase to divide their molecules into smaller oligosaccharides (which have one molecule would have only 9:57 units of sugar). Then the resulting oligosaccharides were added at various concentrations in cultured human colon cancer cells HT29, and then scientists compared these results with exposure most often used drugs for chemotherapy for colon cancer. For of each test concentration, oligosaccharides surpassed drugs for chemotherapy by inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). For example, at a concentration of just 0.9 μg per ml (about 0.9 PPM), oligosaccharides killed 17.6 percent of colorectal cancer cells gut after 36 hours, while a chemotherapy drug killed only 10.9 percent (at a higher concentration of 1.3 mcg per ml). But much more important is that apple oligosaccharides non-toxic to healthy cells, which means they can be used in higher concentrations than drugs for chemistry. At concentrations of 9.0 PPM, oligosaccharides killed 46 percent of cancer cells colon (chemotherapy drugs were simply not tested at that level). Recently, everything has been given to oligosaccharides greater attention as a product that strengthens our health and, probably enriching a range of products that you already consume (i.e. fructooligosaccharides). They were found during research to improve the health of the intestinal flora, research on controlling blood sugar, and modulating the immune system. IN nature oligosaccharides are found in many plants (fruits, vegetables and even seaweed), as well as in honey and milk. They are can also be formed due to the destruction of more complex fruit carbohydrates (e.g. pectin) pectolytic enzymes, just as the scientists in this study did. IN to some extent, this reaction can occur when used in the fruits themselves, as apples contain about 1.5 percent pectin and the pectinase enzyme itself. However, it should be noted that almost all produced apple juices practically do not contain pectin or active enzymes, and also contain only about 10 percent healing polyphenols versus untreated fresh apples. It turns out that, as usual, eating unprocessed and fresh fruit turned out to be much healthier for health than consuming their processed version. This is new the study is further evidence of how healthy apples and how powerful anti-cancer the oligosaccharides contained in them have an effect, even when low concentrations. The fact that these oligosaccharides may be sourced from cheap and affordable industrial waste apple juice (about four million tons are produced annually cake), opens up future opportunities for low-cost natural medicine.

Fruit Health Time

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