Cancer Disease: Myths and Reality

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They say that everyone can get cancer, and it doesn’t depend from age. Moreover, cancer in the world from year to year only increase. And this is perhaps the saddest news that there is today about this serious ailment.

Otherwise, everything is not so scary. For example, the myth that mobile phones cause cancer, no more than horror story. With the same success, our grandmothers scared their children televisions, moreover, even electric trains, arguing that to the railway line in this case cannot be approached closer than 30 meters – will kill by electric shock.

That cancer comes from malnutrition is also nothing more than myth. People at all times have been eating mostly “wrong,” but cancer was not so common half a century ago, not to mention more later periods. In addition, almost all the people who have lived to see old age and escaped cancer, ate no better the average citizen of planet Earth. And vice versa, famous Russian actor Savely Kramarov, being a raw foodist, died, however, at age 60 from cancer of the esophagus.

Finally, any stage of cancer, even the fourth, is reversible. Many people passed through it and not only remained alive, but also completely cured. True, mostly not with the help of doctors, and not even thanks to some miraculous folk remedies, but spiritual cleansing and seeking help from the Almighty. Everyone has it of us there is such a chance too.

Moreover, as the parapsychologist and writer Sergei Lazarev says, who himself survived a cancer and himself “pulled” himself out of This catastrophe by repentance and prayer, you need to understand two things: fear only attracts disease; this is the first; and the second is that cancer or some other incurable disease a person receives for a reason, more often than not he violates the main principle Universe – puts something higher than God, for example, the same raw food diet, healthy lifestyle and so on, and then wonders: for what him? ..


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