Candidate of Technical Sciences wrote a book about Apocalypse

The candidate of technical sciences wrote a book about the ApocalypseA photo from open sources

Tuesday at the Russian Library of Natural Sciences Academy of Sciences (BEN RAS) held a press conference on the book “The Great Secrets of the Apocalypse. Results science study. “The author of the study was Chairman of the Board of the Bible Studies Program natural sciences “Andrey Osipov-Skurlyagin. According to author, he worked on the book for more than ten years, and take up the study of the Apocalypse was prompted by “remarkable” reforms in our country. “Before getting carried away by the end of the world, Ph.D. Osipov-Skurlyagin worked as a specialist in jet hydrodynamics high pressure and hydraulic engineering. And I saw that this industry in Russia “cannot develop as practitioners lead it humanities and amateur managers. “According to the author and his reviewers, professors in the field of natural sciences, this book – the result of a scientific understanding of the Apocalypse. “At the heart of our Research is the fundamental law of the theory of large systems – the law of hierarchical compensation, open and formulated in generalized by Evgeny Sedov at the Institute for System Analysis of the Academy of Sciences USSR in 1980, “says Osipov-Skurlyagin. Research devoted to Chaos (the author writes about it with a capital letter), as well as economic crises. The Apocalypse says: “eighth, and of seven, and will go to perdition. “According to the author, I mean world financial crisis. Moreover, there were already six crises, that is the end of the world is not far off. “World statistics show that over the past decades only three percent have been predicted local socio-economic crises, and in 25% of cases instead crises predicted economic growth. This suggests that traditional methods of “scientific” forecast in the conditions of universal Chaos is not just bad, but good for nothing, “- says one of the book reviewers, the head of the laboratory Physical Chemistry of Solid State, INEOS RAS Professor Gennady Semin. As for Russia, destiny is destined for her unenviable. Already come Antichrist, whose task is to sow Chaos. As a result, Russia in its its current form will cease to exist: a gradual economic, moral, and then the territorial collapse of the country. According to Osipov-Skurlyagin, he does not deny church interpretations Apocalypse: they say there is no between the studies of theologians and scientists contradictions. “Attempts atheistic thoughts to rely on their struggle with Christianity the sciences rest primarily on distortions of individual truths of science and religion, – the author of the book explains. – The phenomenon of self-development or self-organization of the world is really exists, and it is impossible to deny it. It’s about the phenomenon “spontaneous” emergence of order structures in the initial disordered systems of any nature, for example, widely known Benard cells. The problem is where this matter comes from. ability to self-organize. This question is not enough for science is clear. And now, it is at this stage of our ignorance that is inevitable have to appeal to God. ”

The end of the world Russia

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