A photo open source chemical element called carbon It is an ideal raw material for the production of light and high strength materials. At the same time, carbon dioxide is one of the main reasons ecological disaster, inexorably approaching our the planet.
Imagine carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) would be extracted from the atmosphere and used to get inexpensive but high-quality fuselages of aircraft, car bodies, artificial diamonds and so on. Research in like American scientists from George Washington University. If their experiments turn out to be successful, it will be found a source of cheap raw materials for future engineering projects of mankind. It will also allow our planet breathe more freely due to the reduction in carbon dioxide in atmosphere.
The process proposed by American researchers recalls ordinary electrolysis. The electrodes, however, are not lowered into water, but in a liquid mixture of lithium oxide and lithium carbonate. Going on a chemical reaction in which carbon dioxide is extracted from ambient air and settles around the electrodes in the form of a solid carbon. Specialists were able to configure their system to receive nanofibres of various sizes. In theory, this technology allows make any form of carbon. In addition, experts launched the reaction using solar energy – so the whole process turned out to be extremely clean from an environmental point of view view.
Excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to the fact that the Earth is changing climate. Average airborne content carbon dioxide has long exceeded the safe threshold of three hundred fifty parts per million, which caused global warming on earth. Increasing carbon emissions also lead to ocean acidification, which may have irreparable consequences for the hydrosphere of the planet. Designed by Americans the technology will allow the extraction of unnecessary carbon dioxide from the air and use it to make various products, so necessary for us.
A report published by George University staff Washington, it is said that in just one decade the level carbon dioxide in the biosphere can be returned to pre-industrial indicators. However, for such an ambitious project as reportedly required the construction of a giant installation with an area of nine hundred and forty thousand square kilometers. Which state for own funds and on its own territory will agree to create such a sewage treatment plant is a big question.