Caution: ears around!

Caution: ears around!Photo from open sources At the beginning of February of this year, a scandal arose around the Samsung smart TV, which, as it turned out, Collects confidential user information. As written columnist of the analytical magazine Shane Harris, TV set up so that you can’t even turn off this function (unless, of course, not an advanced hacker-level programmer).

Moreover, such a possibility of the TV is prescribed in the contract, which you sign by buying it. But this item is either printed in such a small print that no one pays attention to it, or he is generally “hidden” in a pile of papers, which is to find him impossible.

But as it turned out, not only modern TVs watching us, sending everything that we say and “think” is unknown where to. Take the same “smart” Echo speaker announced in the past year, which is also connected to the “cloud”, and therefore can not only voice the weather in any city in the world, read the article you need from Wikipedia, but also collect user data.

General OnStar infotainment system Motors in the new edition of last year no longer convinces the buyer, that it does not track speed, location, and so on. New the rules item just allows this and much more, that is practically allows you to fully monitor the user OnStar. This statement fully applies to the famous Google’s Waze navigation service.

And even this year’s new product – the company’s smart Sense alarm clock Hello – not only aims to improve your sleep by recording for this purpose all noise and even rustling (analysis of what prevents you from sleeping), but also saves everything you say in the cloud. And who has the right and the opportunity to take advantage of these leaking from your home information is not clear.

So, when buying “smart” equipment and gadgets, think well, but are they worth it to make your home listening camera? True, if your conscience is clear, then no listening devices are not afraid of you. Although, you must agree, live under constant supervision – pleasure is below average …

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