A photo from open sources
Of course, some hunters and fishermen knew about this striking in its originality and fantastic bizarre arch for a long time, but no one hitherto even thought came to photograph this miracle of nature (or a product of extraterrestrial civilizations) and put it on the Internet.
As experienced Canadian hunter Max Kaluk says, for the first time this fabulous arch (and then it seemed to him precisely fabulous) he saw back in 12 years, when he came to the extreme north Canada with his father, but for some reason he never wanted capture it in a photograph neither then nor later. Obviously so all other traders arrived who perceived the arch as something natural, perhaps mysterious and even somewhat frightening, but does not require human intervention.
A photo from open sources
And only when journalists from Canada visited CBC Broadcasting Corporation, a mysterious arch became property the general public. However, on the Internet in the assessment that it such, and who created this miracle, some disagreements arose, starting from the belief that this is all done in the Photoshop program, and ending with fantastic assumptions about extraterrestrial the origin of this “trouser arch”.
And the arch is actually similar to those left by some giant pants, no wonder that imaginative people right there drew in their minds the battle between the giants, as a result of which these “remains” remained. However, this is not surprising, but why even in the tourist center of this northern territory of Canada Nunavut (“Our Land”) nobody knows about this amazing arch, and even on Google today you can find only CBC materials about such a natural wonder of the Canadian High North.
A photo from open sources
Even experienced geologists in surprise shrug and immediately clutching at the camera. By the way, you can get here only on motor boat, spending 4-5 hours on the road. Maybe that’s why this the virgin land keeps this little secret, maybe this one remoteness from civilization allowed the same alien, according to ufologists, cut here a unique arch in stone – a laser. Here but it’s not clear – why? ..