Photo from open sources
Of course, this is not a scientific statement, but only an assumption. CERN researchers, having conducted numerous experiments with matter and antimatter, concluded that between these components of our The universe there is no difference other than polarity, but because they are not can coexist together without destroying each other.
Hence another disappointing conclusion – the Universe is simply not exists, but everything that we observe and even study intensely is not more than a matrix.
Previously, scientists believed that our universe arose as a result of The big bang that spawned a certain amount of matter and antimatter. But the absolute symmetry of particles and antiparticles, which proved by CERN scientists, casts doubt on the Big Bang theory, since in this state the Universe simply cannot exist. But it, nevertheless, exists …
A photo from open sources
Why the antipolar particles still haven’t destroyed each other, no one knows, for this reason, and the assumption arises that we are in the matrix. However, this is only an assumption, certain admissibility …
And yet, as long as there is a great mystery of the universe (the true reason for its stability), it is impossible to say with certainty that this is absolutely not the case, and the matrix is only fiction, a notion the human mind.
Moreover, how in this case to be with the statement of the great Indian philosopher and founder of integral Yoga Sri Aurobindo, who based on his “divine experience” argued that a person is not able to independently produce even the simplest thought? It turns out that someone invested knowledge of the matrix in him the head? The question is, who and why? ..
Universe Matrix Life