A photo from open sources And the secret here is simple: in mushrooms chanterelles contains the substance of hinomannose, destructive for bugs, worms and even all types of helminths. This property of chanterelles is priceless in folk medicine.
It should be noted that hinomannosis is rather capricious: it does not tolerates heat treatment at a temperature of 50 degrees collapses. In cold salting, this substance destroys salt. Therefore, use the chanterelle in capsules as dry powder.
Chinomannose, we note, is an absolutely natural substance (this is not a chemical preparation for you), it does not cause the slightest side effects and destroys not only the parasites themselves, but also their eggs. This is what distinguishes it from Pirantel or “Vermox” acting only on sexually mature helminths.
Another active substance found in chanterelles is ergosterol, the effect of which is favorable for liver enzymes. The substance is successfully used to cleanse this organ.
Trametonolinic acid effectively fights viruses hepatitis A.
For natural medicine, chanterelles are simply priceless. They strengthen immunity, are an excellent antitumor agent, not bad help with various inflammations. Vitamin A contains these mushrooms in several times more than even carrots. No coincidence in china drugs from chanterelles correct vision and treat chicken blindness.