Chelyabinsk citizens are offered to buy cows “on balconies “

Chelyabinsk citizens are offered to buy cowsPhoto from open sources

Russian farmers from the cooperative “Ural Force” in Verkhneuralskiy Chelyabinsk region proposed a new production technology milk in a collective way. Dairy workers dissatisfied with weak support from the authorities and predatory bank margins, invited all interested countrymen to become participants in a unique agricultural cooperation called “Cow on balcony. ”

The meaning of this cooperation is that the Russian buys a cow for his money (today she stands in our country fifty-sixty thousand rubles) and transfers it to the cooperative. Of course, in reality, he simply gives money to the agrarians to purchase cattle and concludes a contract. Farmers look after these means of the cow, feed it, milk it, treat it if necessary. The owner of the milking animal receives three liters of fresh daily milk for seven years. The benefits of the Ural Force leadership is that the remaining nine liters that gives cow, they take it to themselves.

A photo from open sources

Employees of the cooperative considered that in this way the purchase cattle will pay off with its owner in just about one year. Of course, for this you must be a big lover of dairy products. From cow’s milk at home, you can make butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, ice cream and many other products. Also, some products equivalent to three liters of milk can will take directly to the “Ural Force”, for example, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.

Fast payback of “cow on the balcony”

If we assume that a cow costs fifty thousand rubles, then its payback for the year will be achieved if the animal will daily bring the owner one hundred and thirty-seven rubles. Just look at the price of a liter of milk in stores to understand how profitable this deal is. But this is not about a pasteurized product, probably obtained from powder (or even worse), but about fresh milk without any additives, natural other dairy products, say, village butter. AND you get your three liters (or equivalent to them in kind) dairy products) will be not one year, but seven whole – namely as much as an average cow can produce milk.

The authors of the project believe that this approach, among other things, allow farmers to shorten the chain from manufacturer to consumer, cut costs even in this regard. One who will acquire a cow and give it to farmers, get a special card in return, thanks to which she can walk every day to receive useful fresh milk (or once every few days – cottage cheese, sour cream, oil).


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