Photo from open sources
In the English Chester, which is located in the west of the country, an unknown person dressed in a sinister periodically appears costume of a medieval plague healer. A mysterious stranger, dressed in a black mantle and a mask with a long “beak”, produces on the British have a very depressing impression. This person arises on streets only after dark and wanders aimlessly around the city, scaring away the city dwellers walking late.
Recall that plague doctors worked in Europe during Middle Ages and Renaissance. The responsibility of these doctors was courtship of people with bubonic plague. Black Death then they didn’t know how to treat, therefore, such doctors only cut out and cauterized plague buboes, and besides, practiced bloodletting and supplied patients with medications designed to ease their misery.
Plague doctors wore protective suits, as well as masks with glass lenses and peculiar “beaks”, where they were placed garlic, onions and various herbs that the doctor comes into contact with breathed sick. Such doctors preferred not to show their faces, they could not contact the general public and lived as as a rule, in conditions reminiscent of modern quarantine. By this the reason the image of the plague doctor was always surrounded by a halo mystery and even real mysticism. Many Europeans believed that the role of such doctors is performed by the dead from the graves, since no living person would expose his life at such a high risk, constantly interacting with patients an incurable and extremely contagious disease.
A photo from open sources
The plague doctor has not yet been arrested
It is reported that in the English city of an individual dressed up in a suit of a medieval doctor, observed at night for about two months, however, social media just now started hard disseminate information about him. Plague doctor spotted on streets, in underpasses, in parks and squares, in wastelands. The stranger does no harm to anyone and does not say anything. Separate Chester residents even complain to the police, but the guards of law and order shrug: reasons for the arrest of a strange person not. In particular, in the United Kingdom, unlike some other countries, there is no law prohibiting citizens from hiding your face in public. However even delay the plague doctors, to ask him at least the documents, the police have not yet succeeds: he simply does not come across them.
Some locals are sure that this is an ordinary joker who decided scare in this way fellow countrymen, others believe that this crazy, and he must be circumvented by the tenth road. Third generally suggest that a traveler appeared in Chester during time, which has come to our days from the Middle Ages. If so perhaps the British should also be wary of a bubonic outbreak plague? ..