Photo from open sources
A large luminous circle in the night sky can scare or, by at least confuse any resident of any locality of our planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Chileans of the city Iquique, which is located in the north of the country in the Tarapaca region, perceived such an inexplicable phenomenon quite naturally – in most were scared.
This can be judged even by how many questions on this appeared on the same evening in social networks, and especially on Twitter and Instagram. People uploaded the video, photos and asked – what is it? Many started talking seriously that the aliens are watching the city in this way.
There were other versions, say, military exercises, some an unprecedented atmospheric phenomenon – a unique lightning, and so Further. However, the mysterious round ring in the night sky does not turned out to be neither one nor the other, nor the third. As it turned out a little later, instead of an alien ship or secret development the Chilean military in the sky appeared just a projection of unique hours that in the near future will show residents of the city time in such an original way.
Of course, if it was not a test test, but already completed the project, people, perhaps by the dial, realized that this is a watch, though, I think they would still be scared. In this case, the inhabitants of Iquique observed only the fiery bezel of the dial, accepting it, who for that, depending on their knowledge of paranormal phenomena.
Local authorities, explaining to the residents of the city that these were tests new public hours, but did not bother to clarify, and when the townspeople will see firsthand these unique watches in the sky. As noticed Soy Chile national newspaper reporters, authorities escaped a statement that the project is almost ready, without explaining, why it was necessary to conduct the test secretly, thereby frightening simple philistines …