Chimeras of our time

Have you, dear readers, to buy tomatoes from the taste of chicken? And plant potatoes, which basically does not eat Colorado beetle? And to see a birch with such soft wood that its trunk can not keep its own weight and lies on the ground? And often Do you eat soy meat? Chimeras of our timePhoto from open sources Genetically modified salmon grows twice as fast as usual All these miracles are handiwork genetic engineers. Even soybean has been grown since ancient times, but very productive and extremely resistant to pests has recently become. And already good miracles or not – judge for yourself. Moreover, products from genetically modified raw materials are sold everywhere, and labeling “contains GMOs” does not happen on them. Moreover, if the content of genetically modified (transgenic) additives is not exceeds 5%, manufacturers are not required to put such a mark! How to make myth come true In myths, such monsters like gargoyles, sphinx, chimeras – solid compounds incongruous. And we will talk about the same now. Genetically modified organisms are neither plants nor animals. it something like chimeras, which combine incompatible in nature plant and animal organisms. For example, hardy wheat with the genes of the North American flounder! Or a tomato with chicken genes! Potato with scorpion genes, because of which even the most hungry colorado beetle. He simply does not recognize in it not only potatoes, but also the plant in general. And also – E. coli (marker bacterium for sanitary-epidemiological services) with human genes, thanks to which it produces insulin in the laboratory for patients with diabetes. What’s bad about it? – perhaps he will say someone. – All for the good of man! And in general, hybrids have always been … ” However, such hybrids not only in nature but also in earlier there could not be an existing selection. Not a mouse, not the frog Nature places severe restrictions on hybridization. Most often crossing even similar species of plants or animals impossible due to different body structure, sizes or sharp behavioral differences, geographical remoteness and other. Hybrids are either nonviable or barren. Rare exceptions (natural hybrids of different types of mint and a cross between two types of hares – white and brown) only confirm the general rule. And even in these cases: mint does not cross as successfully, for example, with burdock, and a hare, even with a rabbit close to it. Successful hybridization in breeding occurred only between plants, and mainly closely related: raspberries with blackberries, different types of cereals and so Further. And not all experiments were successful. Michurinsky experiments planting some plants on others doesn’t count, because there crosses occurred as such. Hybridization of the wolf and the dog – too, because it is, in fact, a crossbreeding of a domesticated unrecognizable wolf with the original. Crossing plants and animal in the usual way, neither in nature, nor even in experimental conditions, of course, impossible. Too different chromosomes are very different and genomically incompatible (genetic kits) in general. And even mutations by radiation or any chemicals can not so shake sustainable mechanisms of heredity to lead to conjunction plants and animals.

Gene-modified potato Amflora from the German chemical BASF Group approved by the European Commission on March 2, 2010 for production in Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and the Czech Republic for use in the textile and paper industries. Photos from open sources

Gene modification is direct planting in the genome of a plant or animal absolutely alien genes, the so-called them horizontal transfer. In nature, it occurs only between microorganisms that rapidly mutate, sometimes being, according to essentially a mixture of species and transitional forms. It is with microorganisms and began the industrial use of gene modification (otherwise – gene engineering) – with a bacterium into which the human gene was inserted from pancreas, responsible for the synthesis of insulin. As a result the bacterium began to produce this hormone. Further more. Now hundreds of types of food, decorative plants and industrial crops, and most of the products and planting material of these species are not generally referred to as genetically modified. Why is this bad? If speak about technology of the process of gene modification itself, there are two main method of introducing foreign cells into the plant. One with using a microscopic “gun” that bombards the genome experimenting cells with foreign genes. If the “shell” gene hits the target, they begin to interact. If the result of this interaction is able to reproduce itself, then this, already hybrid, cell begins to multiply – of course, in laboratory conditions, not in living organisms. If whole seeds are “bombarded” – they also become hybrid.

Two hundred laboratory rats were divided into two groups. Fed one genetically modified food, the second – healthy. A year later, in rats, eating genetically modified food, deviations were found and severe pathology. Many females developed a mammary tumor glands, in some cases reaching 25% of the animal’s body weight, in males had abnormalities in the liver and kidneys. All these diseases were 2-5 times more common than in animals, which fed a healthy diet. Photos from open sources

The percentage of survival and viability of such seeds is small, but profits from their initial sale are more than worth the cost. At using the second method, even more dangerous in terms of long-term results, for the introduction of foreign genes used a microorganism is a bacterium or even a virus. When processing “microflush” mixes genes, such as flounder and wheat, or rabbit and tomato, or scorpion and potato. Using bacteria or virus as a transport is usually added though would be a minimal piece of genetic, that is, hereditary, material and this microorganism too, even if this is not was supposed. For microorganisms, this “mixing” heredity is normal: they mutate in such a way, and multiply. However, for a person to eat potatoes with genes is not just, say, a scorpion, but also some unknown virus is very harmful. Danger to us however is our digestive the system does not break all foreign organic molecules into the original “bricks” from which they build their own proteins, carbohydrates and fats? It breaks, however, only those that were provided by evolution. That is, for the “conversion” of the changed cells in our body are harmless to humans and normal digestible vouchers do not have to. And further. All genetically modified organisms have a loosened genome, and when growing a hybrid next to ordinary plants, the latter also become genetically modified. In the USA where the cultivation genetically modified organisms encouraged by the state, transgenic clogging of rape and corn is a very common occurrence. Moreover, farmers trying to defend their genetically pure in court products, most often the business is losing due to the huge influence multinational corporations. It’s about monopolists producing genetically modified plants and pesticides for them and controlling the relevant market worldwide not only directly, but also through a very extensive network of subsidiaries. A GMO ornamental plants are not traced at all. Many such varieties are grown, for example, in Holland. Transgenic cotton is especially abundant in India, soybeans, corn and rapeseed – in the USA and Canada. Information on numerous varieties genetically modified tomatoes, cucumbers, cotton, wheat, flower cultures and other things distributed around the world are not advertised. In Russia, according to ecologists, genetically modified are potato varieties “amflora”, “elizabeth” and, according to some, sunflower “pioneer”, as well as some varieties and lines mainly field (corn, rape and wheat) and ornamental crops. And in Pushkin (Moscow region) already Russian figures are engaged in breeding and the introduction of transgenic birch with soft wood.

Photos from open sources

The biosphere can go into biomass when exceeded critical number of transgenic plants in individual countries, and then around the world, the modification process will become projected scientists, irreversible. Immediate consequences for humans and animals – massive hereditary diseases, congenital malformations and disorders in the offspring of healthy and genetically unburdened parents. And also, an increase in the number of allergies of all types, because the main reason will be a massive malfunction of body systems, aimed at the recognition of foreign antigens (markers “their – alien “) and markers of altered (eg, oncological) cells, which will also lead to an increase in cancer. In addition, there will be increase the resistance of weeds, pests and fungi to various relevant pesticides, as well as unpredictable resistance of the most unexpected organisms to antibiotics. Remote consequences – the transformation of the whole diversity of nature and humanity into amorphous biomass. And this, alas, is not a fairy tale. How not to get into “risky tale” In order not to feel the influence transgenic foods, avoid eating foods especially foreign production or from imported ingredients, with vegetable protein, soy in all forms and canola oil. Necessary stay away from plants with clearly inherent properties. With atypical culture properties (for example, blue roses) – find out how old the selection is. If the variety is bred before 1990, there is a chance that these are not genetically modified plants. At the time of buying seeds can be found out from the supplier their origin, and ideally – pesticides of all kinds and products up to the head manufacturer, see prices and other documents, especially carefully reading what is written in small print. If you eat a plot, grow your own fruits and vegetables old breeding and replacing crop protection chemicals biological and agricultural. Lyubov LINTSOVA “Mysteries XX century ”

Viruses Time Plants Russia USA

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