Chimpanzee testicles rejuvenate man

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the First World was overwhelmed with a passion for alteration of man. The results were not slow to appear: Russian-French subbotnik Voronov and Austrian Steinach with the goal rejuvenation performed hundreds of monkey testicles transplants to people. But in the 1940s for ethical reasons, these experiments were banned.

The fix idea “we cannot wait for favors about nature, take them from her – our task “(breeder Ivan Michurin) is mistakenly associated only with the young Soviet authorities. In the same piggy bank goes “Dog heart “Mikhail Bulgakov (especially the film of the same name), from which not too educated person concludes moron Bolsheviks. Well-read intellectual has heard something else early Soviet attempts to cross a monkey and a worker, and that’s done cliche: “Freaks!”.

Sergey Voronov at the operation

A photo from open sources

But all this Soviet experience in remaking a person is only scanty part of what they did to people in the West. And not out of moron and not out of malice, but because of faith in the omnipotence of science. Almost everything mankind uses today and mistakenly considers creation modern scholars, was invented in the period 1870-1930. Internal combustion engine and electric car (before and after it hundred years the descendants did not reach), communication, television and the cybernetic machine, electricity and the basics of mass production of goods, selection of animals and plants. Material world around us percent 95 is all inventions of a century or more ago.

The last thing science has not reached is man. We are all the same subordinate to the laws of nature and almost unable to change it. But not for mediocrity, and ethical restrictions.

The first experiments to “improve” a person in the early twentieth century gave fast and excellent result. His (result) was not necessary shove under a microscope to verify effectiveness manipulations of scientists. Two great doctors of that time – Sergey Voronov and Eigen Steinach – demonstrated the results of their experiments in crowded audiences, and the audience applauded him.

Both scientists worked on rejuvenating a person, and the leader here was Sergey Voronov.

Sergey (Samuel) Abramovich Voronov was born in 1866 in Voronezh, in the family of subbotniks – Russian subethnos, professing Judaism since the 17th century. Tsarism then somehow endured the Jews, but Russian Judaists were the most oppressed religious group in Russian Empire (“betrayed the faith of the fathers”). Therefore nothing it was not surprising that Sergey Voronov in 1884 together with his family moved permanently to France. IN In 1893 he received a higher medical education. In 1896 went to Egypt, where he became a member of the healing physician of the Khedive (title Head of State in 1867-1914).

In Egypt, the Ravens found wonderful biological material for their experiences – slave-eunuchs. Castrated them completely in a young age 6-7 years. Having matured, these men acquired effeminate body shape. They had wide hips, narrow shoulders. The beard did not grow. The eunuchs’ intelligence was low, and they had poor memory. Similar patterns led Voronov to the conclusion that on muscle formation, skeleton, mental development affect directly the gonads.

Illustration in the magazine about the experiments of Voronov in Cairo

A photo from open sources

The young doctor also found that castrates rather quickly grew old, saddled and did not live to old age. Exactly this prompted Sergei Abramovich to the idea of ​​rejuvenating the body: if introduce an aging eunuch to the seminal glands from a full-fledged young men, then the body of the castrate should have been rejuvenated.

He later recalled that he immediately began experiments with transplanting glands monkeys to people. But evil tongues assured that the Egyptian satraps allowed him to experiment with people sentenced to death (disassemble them into organs). However, Voronov was an intelligent man, and understood that the hand must still be stuffed on monkeys – in Europe an Egyptian suicide bomber would not have passed anyway.

In addition, in his view, the monkey was better than man and for ethical reasons: they did not have a negative heredity, were not prone to alcohol, tobacco, corruption minors and other unsightly qualities of human nature.

In 1912, Voronov did his first operation in Europe. is he transplant the thyroid gland of a chimpanzee to a person suffering thyroid disease. After this, the patient feels noticeably better, and this success inspires the experimenter.

Before (left) and after treatment

A photo from open sources

The next patient is a 14-year-old boy suffering from mental retardation. Sergey Abramovich took goiter monkeys and vaccinated the boy. “At the time of the operation he was a complete idiot and made the impression of an eight-year-old, in which the disease seized him. December 5th, 1913 with the presence of 19 doctors transplanted him the right lobe of the thyroid gland baboon. The effect is amazing, the boy has grown so much and recovered that he could get an education, and in 1917 he was recognized fit to the front, “wrote Abramov.

Since 1920, Voronov began to specialize in testicular transplantation. He made thin sections on the chimpanzee’s testicles and sutured them into the scrotum the patient. In the first operation, the human body took foreign body. It has grown into the testicles of a 65-year-old patient. “That noticeably freshened, wrinkles on the face smoothed out, in movements plastic and energy appeared, “Voronov described.

In those same years, in parallel with Voronov, the same experiments the Austrian surgeon Eigen Steinach was engaged, and he transplanted and glands from person to person. The magazine “Red Cornfield” in 1921 described his practice this way:

“After Steinach got amazing results on animals, he could consider himself in the right to transfer them to humans. The first operation performed by him, together with his young employee surgeon Lichtenstern, was the return of potency and male signs of castrati. The first to undergo this operation was a military man who had both testicles removed during the war, due to injury.

A few months after that, they appeared in it signs of castration: obesity, hair loss, sexual loss abilities, general indifference and fatigue. In 1916 Lichtenstern planted a cryptorchidic testicle in it, and then to the patient the sexual feeling has returned, muscles, hairiness, etc. have strengthened. e. Subject is married and enjoys family happiness, according to the latest data so far i.e. already the 5th year.

(Cryptorchidic or “inguinal” refers to testicles that due to still unclear conditions of embryonic development, fall into the scrotum, and get stuck in the groin. Such testicles often cause pain and are sources of dangerous tumors, due to why they were removed and thrown away before)

After that, Lichtenstern described two more similar cases, and in 1918 year – the first case of surgical treatment of a homosexual: the patient had his own bisexual testicles removed and inserted cryptorchidic from a normal sexual subject.

Finally, Stein describes 3 cases of rejuvenation of the elderly. In these In three cases, the fact that all three patients did not know about the nature of the operation, which they were exposed when all objective signs began to appear in them rejuvenation: they went to the doctor not for rejuvenation, but with any other diseases and ailments. So here excludes any possibility of suspecting auto-suggestion.

The 1st case refers to a laborer 44 years old, but with all signs of premature old age. He came to the doctor because of the general body weakness and pain in both testicles. Very thin, weak, listless muscles, face in folds.

Unable to physical labor, and no sex drive for several years now. Testicular pain was a consequence of bilateral dropsy of the testicles.

A photo from open sources

On November 1, 1918, he underwent surgery: an autopsy of both testicles; at the same time two-sided dressing and cutting according to the method Steinach.

4-5 months after this, the patient as a laborer carries on its back loads up to 100 kilograms in weight. He arrived in weight, face smoothed out. Potency at the height of a stormy youth, hair growth on head, hips and pubis, more often shaves. A year later, he gained weight. 12 pounds.

2nd case. 70-year-old man, head of a large enterprise. Delivered to a sanatorium with an abscess of the left testicle. He left removed testicle and at the same time a dressing is made on the right side.

This is how the patient himself, a few months after the operation, describes his condition in a letter to Lichtenstern (it is characteristic that at the time of writing this letter he had no idea about the nature of the operation performed on it): “After the wound has healed, began to look for places of rest in order to gain strength. Already there to my to the extreme surprise I had at night in the dorsal position erotic dreams and in connection with them – pollutions. My appetite has now degenerated gluttony and even now in the present difficult time I hardly able to meet the needs of my stomach. While I used to be in a state of deep spiritual depression, now I have been cheerful again for many months. My look is fresh again and for my age I am very flexible. The people I am now re-entering in intercourse, consider me scarcely over sixty and doubt so that I’m 71 years old. Before, when I walked a little quickly or climbing a slightly steep road, I had to fight heaviness and shortness of breath: now it’s almost completely stopped and I’m on my feet often for an hour. ”

The result of the operation done by Voronov is evident

A photo from open sources

The 3rd case concerns a 66-year-old merchant who suffered for 5 years of severe fatigue, a decline in mental strength and memory, difficulty breathing, etc. November 12, 1919 produced operation. 1/2 year after that, he gained 7 pounds in weight, his memory and mental alertness recovered, disappeared typical signs of decrepitude (shortness of breath, pain in all limbs). Restored libido “.

Both doctors put things on stream. For rejuvenation to them tens of people were drawn, and if it weren’t for the high cost of the operation, this there would be thousands of patients.

From 1921 to 1924, Voronov performed 56 operations. All of them beneficial effect on the health of patients.

In 1923, the surgical congress was held in London. On him luminaries of medical science from Europe and America gathered. Voronov’s performance was the main event of such a serious activity. Time magazine described it as a “triumph.”

Before (left) and after

A photo from open sources

Sergei Abramovich said that he operated on 238 people in age from 55 to 70 years (including Egyptian experiments). In 90 cases out of 100, the result was positive. In persons aged 70 to 85 years, the data were slightly worse. They were operated on 19 people. The most important functions of the body, including sexual, were recovered in 11 patients.

A particular impression on the luminaries of medicine was made by the case of a certain wealthy Englishman. Tom was 74 years old, but he looked all 85. The Voronov sewed a baboon’s testicle into his scrotum. The old man with his pants down joyfully spun in front of the audience.

Voronov becomes a celebrity, as well as a millionaire. Demand the operation was such that he had to create a monkey nursery on south of France, in the castle of Grimaldi. In 1927, Voronov declares that “soon in Europe and America there will be no less monkey nurseries, than Ford factories.

Rejuvenation by transplanting monkey testicles is so interested in the public, which is reflected even in the popular literature. With an interval of two years, two are published works written by professional doctors on part-time great writers, – a story by Arthur Conan-Doyle The Adventures of a Crawling Man (1923) and Bulgakov’s Dog heart “(1925).

Similar experiments are being conducted in Russia, and the doctors who conducted them, and become prototypes of the Bulgakov work. Character “Doctor Burmental “is Dr. Rosenthal, the leader of one of three laboratories led by the great physiologist Ivan Pavlov. “Professor Preobrazhensky” is a professor of Resurrection from rejuvenation laboratories in Tver.

Here, for example, what the newspaper “Peasant Truth” from 12 wrote January 1924 about Voronov’s followers in a note with the title “Rejuvenation”:

A photo from open sources

“The successors of the Steinach and Voronov case are professor Voskresensky and Dr. Uspensky, having special in Tver institutions. They do their work on people. They are for one and a half years rejuvenated: 10 workers, 5 doctors, 2 priests, 1 merchant and more than 15 Soviet employees. Material for operations provides apery. Most people who have undergone surgery Feel quite good, cheerful and efficient. Some wrinkles disappeared from them, hair began to grow in place of the former bald spots. ”

In 1925, Voronov’s book Rejuvenation by Vaccination was published. which the doctor described the expected effects of testicular tissue transplantation: memory improvement, high performance, no need in glasses (due to the strengthening of the eye muscles), prolonging the life span and increased potency. Ravens was engaged and monkey transplant ovaries to women. He also conducted reverse transplant experiments. human ovary monkey and artificial insemination monkey human sperm, however, to no avail.

Voronov’s monkey nursery in his castle Grimaldi in Provence

A photo from open sources

By the beginning of the 1930s, several thousand very wealthy people, including Harold McCormick – chairman Harvester Company, and aging Turkish Prime Minister Ataturk. Also Voronov’s patient was French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau.

Then, with the growth of right-wing and pro-fascist sentiments in France attacks on Voronov intensify. He is accused of neglect human morality, immediately accused that he is an agent of the NKVD. Voronov moved to the French colony of Algeria, there were few calmer.

In 1940, the Nazis occupied France, and the Vichy subordinate to them. confiscated all equipment of Voronov’s laboratory, all its archives and documents in his palace on the Cote d’Azur. His had to flee from Algeria – to neutral Switzerland. There are local authorities categorically forbade him to engage in “rejuvenation”, and until the end of his days – in 1951 – Voronov was an ordinary pensioner. He lived for 85 years.

Around the same years – in the early 1930s, Stalin also ruled regime, and therefore experiments with transplantation of organs of monkeys to people have stopped. Moreover, the main enthusiast of these practices is doctor Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov died in 1932.

It was the experiments of Ilya Ivanov that became fiction in the USSR, growing every year with speculation. Ivanov allegedly deduced “hybrid person “- a half-human half-monkey.

An article about the experiments of Ivanov, when you click on the picture you can see it in larger size

A photo from open sources

“In 1926, Stalin supported a secret plan to create laboratories of creatures with incredible strength and underdeveloped brain, insensitive to pain, hardy and unpretentious in food. It was assumed that it would be possible to grow a “living war machine”, and at the same time a “workhorse”, which without great expense could operate in coal mines, in construction in Siberia and in the Arctic regions, ”is how Ivanov’s experiments are conceived today. It doesn’t occur to people that this “hybrid” was dozens of times more expensive than the “workhorse” in the form of a Russian peasant. Half-monkeys had to undergo surgery – for this they needed hundreds if not thousands of highly qualified doctors (towards the end of the 1920s in the USSR it was, well, if a dozen). I had to wait 5-6 years until “Hybrid grows up,” feed and guard him. Why all this when it was possible to pull out a million or two peasants and send them to shock construction and or in the heat of battle. Free and cheerful. Under Stalin “hybrids” were 80% of the population.

No, Ilya Ivanov was engaged in the same experiments as Voronov or Steinach – rejuvenation, replacing a diseased human organ with healthy monkey. It was for these purposes that a large monkey nursery in Abkhazia.

If Stalin needed Dr. Ivanov so much, then he wouldn’t get in 1930, 5 years of camps for “counter-revolutionary activities”, however, replaced him with a link to Alma-Ata. Where he died at the age of everything 62 years old.

War Time Egypt Life Russia Stalin USSR �

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