China is losing the river

China is losing the riverPhoto from open sources Since the early 1990s. off the map of China forever more than half of all previously available rivers disappeared. Environmental the country’s services blame it as changing climatic conditions, as well as the environmental problems of the country. Find out so sad the facts succeeded through a three-year inspection of the territory of the PRC, in which 800 thousand experts participated. Specialists found a total of 22,909 rivers on an area of ​​100 square kilometers instead of the expected 50,000 or more.

The fact that there are no rivers can be blamed on the imperfect mapping technology 15 years ago and warmer climate, dried up small rivers. But experts along with environmentalists assure that the main role here was played by the uncontrolled change in natural landscapes for industrial interest and widespread pollution industrial toxins (China in this indicator takes 13 place in the world).

Wrong method played its role in chopping water bodies irrigation of the use of available fresh water on land and under land, mass construction of dams and hydroelectric power stations. The fullness of the rivers worsens and deforestation, which often leads to desertification, as well as urbanization. 60 largest cities of the country experiencing a constant shortage of drinking and domestic water, and indeed The water quality is poor.

For modern China, all these problems are very acute, but none of the industrial giants are going to sacrifice their profit for the salvation of river lands. However, the rivers continue disappear, and with them the living organisms inhabiting them.

Water china

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