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Recently, more and more materials appear on the Internet, anyway affecting the issue of climate weapons. And as in in this case, you need to consider peaceful climate experiments? it is it safe or not for our planet?
It is such an experiment, and grand in scale, plan to spend in China. Project “Heavenly River” (“Tianhe”) implies the installation in the Tibetan Plateau of numerous devices (several tens of thousands of special cameras) that they will throw silver dust reagent into the atmosphere, capable of causing rain.
According to the publisher Science Alert, scientists of the Middle Kingdom in this way they plan to “pull out of the atmosphere” “heavy rains over 1.6 million square kilometers of arid land, bringing rainfall in the region up to ten billion cubic meters per year. As the organizers of artificial rain, the task it’s not easy in front of them, because the “sowing” of clouds, like this the process is called by Chinese engineers themselves, will be produced in such a large scale for the first time.
A photo from open sources
The artificial rainfall system has already been tested here – in Xinjiang, Tibet and some other areas of the country. There she proved to be from the best side. However, they installed just 500 cameras at a time, now you need to test the system almost two hundred times more powerful. How she will behave, and how there may be consequences from such interference in nature, no one really does not know.
As they say, wait and see. Some independent scholars at the same time they warn that experiments with climate, like gene engineering, fraught with serious consequences. People imagine themselves by the gods, not only having no right, but even a little bit spiritual foresight of what all of this can come of. For example, Chinese engineers are only sure of the success of the process. rain formation – and nothing more. And this is all one that runs along blindfold with confidence only running fast …
A photo from open sources
China Climate