Photo from open sources
Who does not know that so many people live in China, which is why Russia even spread false information that the PRC �sorely lacking their own lands, but because the Chinese with lustfully glance at the Far East of our country. However few who at the same time knows that in China there are dozens of their undeveloped lands thousand square kilometers that they have yet to to ennoble and settle, as, probably, the Russians boundless Siberia and the Far East.
Recent evidence suggests that the Chinese are gradually starting resolve this issue. At least it became known that employees Chongqing Jiaotong University is not only invented, but already tested in practice a unique fertilization technology lifeless deserts, of which there are many in China.
In the form of the first experiment, scientists chose 200 hectares of one and five deserts located in the territory of Inner Mongolia, and literally part of the once abandoned due to large-scale coal mining territories turned into a green oasis.
A photo from open sources
Chinese scientists have invented a special paste that allows, as if by magic, dramatically change the environmental situation – for the better. In contact with sand, such a paste holds moisture, nutrients and even attracts precipitation, because it contributes to the rapid spread of fungal colonies. For those who are not in the know, we inform you that it is the mushrooms that attract and gather clouds over their territory. In the deserts, as you know, there are no mushrooms (for example, in the same Sahara), and although around the sea and oceans, rains over these lifeless sands almost never are coming.
The Chinese have so far tested their miracle paste on 200 hectares lifeless soil, turning it into green fields sown corn and sunflowers. Next Chinese project Researchers should be recovering in these five deserts forests – according to the plan, 50 percent of China’s lifeless territories should turn into forests in the future. And all this thanks the present invention. To begin with, it is planned to change the ecology by 13 thousand hectares of desert land. Great trouble – the beginning, God will give, scientists will get to Takla Makan (title photo) – one of the most the great and famous deserts of China …
Mushrooms China Russia