A photo from open sources
Technologies for applying nanocodes to living cells for a long time developed and run in now in Ukraine at issue biometric passports. And all the hype around chipping is just a distracting maneuver of the media, the chip can be cut and felt, nanocode for life, a person may not even know that he has long “counted” To control the population for centuries the governments applied false doctrines (philosophies), heresies, magic, hypnosis, the effects of various kinds of radiation known to science, etc. e. In the 60s – 70s of the twentieth century in the USSR and the West were intensive research in the field of human consciousness control with the help of electromagnetic effects on the brain: high-frequency, low-frequency emissions. At the same time, criminal experiments were carried out. over people in prisons, psychiatric hospitals, and in the USSR and over civilians in their homes. In perestroika in the Soviet The Union filed several thousand lawsuits against victims of the KGB from experiments on their psyche of citizens. And in all lawsuits, throughout the territory of the country indicated the same reason transferred suffering – exposure to high frequency radiation. results court proceedings are not reported to the general public. More than four decades in the world using technology manufacturing electronic microcircuits and chips by not assembling them from individual radio components, and by laser drawing on silicon, for example, a record. The entire electronic industry applies this and more advanced optical technologies in electronic manufacturing devices. But the other side of technology is little known – this laser application of information on living cell molecules. IN mid 80s articles appeared in periodicals in the USSR about the successful experiment of American scientists – recording information on living cells. Therefore, a chip can be not only electronic device created in the traditional way, but also the totality of living cells in the body with applied to them information. This is a new generation chip. Features of this chip disproportionately large compared to a conventional chip. 1. New chip can be made by laser tattooing on the skin human or animal. This chip does not need power from extraneous energy source, because it consists of living cells, which function naturally. 2. When applied bar coding, for example, this chip is not visible to eye, but recognized by the scanner. 3. When applying a barcode to the forehead or a person’s hand, an individual algorithm is determined functions of his brain through skin receptors, identification and connection to the world computer “beast” through a system of satellites in orbit land. 4. An individual algorithm of brain functions – the most important information from all biometric data about a person recorded on machine readable strip in his passport and entering the database “beast”, as a result of which the brain establishes a direct high-frequency “radio communication”, although “radio” in this case, the term very conditional. 5. Unlike a conventional chip implanted in the human body, the mark is useless to cut from the skin to get rid of control. After removing the usual chip, you can get rid of communication with a controlling electronic device tracking center (as escaped prisoners do), and the removal laser tattoo does not destroy the connection between a person and a computer, moreover, the label itself is no longer needed. nbsp; On satellites are available the most powerful energy sources providing the possibility of transmission high-frequency signal at any distance. Under President R. Reagans in the US launched satellites with nuclear power plants on board. The impact on the human psyche through a conventional chip is not leads to control over his consciousness. Chip can be connected with only a limited number of nerve fibers, and its effect on microscopic areas of the brain are thus negligible. Besides Moreover, the advertised ability to power this chip due to the differential temperatures in some areas of the human body – a lie. At first, such zones (with a temperature difference sufficient to power the chip) in the body is not, at least in the area of the body equal to the size of the chip, and secondly, if they were, then get energy from these micro-drops in temperature in a sufficient amount is impossible, i.e. K. a thermocouple that converts the temperature difference (not less than 100 degrees Celsius) to electricity, has a very low efficiency The temperature difference between the right and left sides of the human body in a state of prolonged rest – less than half a degree. There are more chips with recharge from the incoming radio signal to them (this is reported developers) designed to be introduced into the body that can be recognizable only as beacons and identifiers through a mobile communication system, for example – chips for prisoners or for animals in order to control their location. But stimulate or inhibit certain parts of the brain while being in “reception – transmission”, due to lack of energy is impossible. Chips operate in high-frequency electromagnetic mode radiation that has effects over short distances due to the low energy consumption of the sent signal. For their use over long distances requires a network repeaters, as well as cell phones. But cell phones and laptops powered by energy-intensive batteries that are needed periodically recharge. And the power of their batteries is not comparable with the “power” radio feed chips. Based on the foregoing, it is easy imagine that the advertised universality of this technology is big lie. Another thing is the impact on any part of the brain or to the whole human brain by electromagnetic radiation through the system satellites. Here is a vast range of possibilities. In the above In the experiments of the 60s and 70s, the following results: the possibility of introducing a person into a state of stress, melancholy, hearing radio broadcasts of local radio stations by the brain, not through the radio, suggesting certain actions, repeating them texts unknown to him in unknown languages, bringing Subject to suicide. In this case, the person himself and his relatives were told that these were all hallucinations – a consequence mental illness. It is also possible to bring a person to the highest degree of euphoria stimulation directly of the brain, controlling the release of dopamine in the body – substances in their 50 times superior to relaxing and anesthetizing properties morphine. These technologies can be used to control worship of the Antichrist – for example, you can cause euphoria among peoples when it appears on TV. An ordinary chip does not have such capabilities due to its small energy intensity, short distance of action and the impossibility of contact with all parts of the brain. Patent Subject Thomas Hitter, published by the media, – “Drawing a barcode on human body. “True, recently appeared on the Internet incorrect translations (or disinformation in general?) of this patent, which is just one of many options satanic technology of printing mankind. Technology, in constant development. Mind control methods rarely described in patents and know-how inventions. But the range of possibilities of these methods is revealed laser tattoo developers in a documentary, Released on the Discovery Channel. This film shows how in according to new nanotechnology, electronic tag – barcode applied to the right forearm of KFOR soldiers before sending them to Serbia. It was reported that after applying the barcode of a soldier can be detected from the satellite even deep underground, put diagnosis in case of injury from a distance and affect the exchange processes at the cellular level, stopping bleeding, for example. Acceleration of the process of regeneration (restoration) of damaged cells provide certain areas of the brain that control metabolic processes in the cells. Achieve accelerated regeneration of damaged cells at a distance is impossible if you do not act on corresponding brain regions from a satellite directly, once connecting to this brain (in the film, attention was paid to that medical assistance can be provided to the wounded, even if he is surrounded). Thus, from the The information implies that the brain acts as a transmitter / receiver or essentially a bio-processor, and a soldier (or any person, to which the barcode is applied as a connecting device, modem) – driven by a cyborg. Laser barcode scanning images of a human face for making biometric documents – the most convenient way for authorities to quietly, quickly, and painlessly solve the problem of imprinting the population, which then can be managed as a meek herd. Lasers are now so small that they are built into the camera. In favor of this version populations of the population says the fact that both biometric and REGULAR passports in Ukraine, as well as employee certificates Interpol, manufactured by one organization in Ukraine (company EDAPS), at the same time, the face image on any passport is scanned ONE AND SAME CAMERA in the central OVIRs (visa departments and registration of citizens). It is appropriate to emphasize here that in those cases when a person is unable to attend due to disability Regional OVIR, employees travel to the patient’s location it is with the camera that they scan at home (and the patient may be hundreds of kilometers from the central OVIR). To everyone it is known that at the moment there are many computer programs with which you can create a file of the desired format with a photograph taken with any camera or camera. But employees explained that they use only a special camera, which is not sold in stores, but comes from a special warehouse technicians from Kiev, where this special equipment is brought from the USA. And all the multimillion population of the region is photographed only in regional central department and nowhere else. Isn’t it easier to do photos in the district OVIRs to avoid bursts and excessive loads on employees of the central department? Manufacturing procedure documents also differs from that which was at issue of old passports. Previously, the passport department was first brought the necessary for issuing a passport documents, photos and receipts for payment of services for making a document or form, and then they made a passport. Now, at first, they accept the receipt for payment of manufacturing services, necessary documents, including TIN or intra-civil passport with a numbered stamp on the right to make payments without TIN, and then assign the time to scan the face in the OVIR. Those. first form a data file about the owner of the passport, enter it into computer, then converting it into a barcode, apply it when scanning on the forehead – for this, the camera is connected to the computer shielded cable. Information about citizens in whose passports there is a mark (with a number!) about the right to make payments without TIN, from the electronic register of taxpayers was not withdrawn, because when obtaining certificates from the tax office to make the specified marks, citizens signed in the tax journal immediately for two numbers – TIN and reference numbers, which corresponded to the number marks. So those who have received marks have a TIN, except for those who have never taken a TIN, received marks in court and whose marks are not numbered. But from those upon receipt passports require re-getting a mark already with a number, otherwise the document is not issued. This is a seemingly absurd claim, testifies in itself to what was said above – a person who is not registered under a certain number in the register, cannot get a passport, because when scanning there is nothing to apply on the forehead. Of course, this in itself does not preclude create a file of such a citizen in the period preceding scanning in the OVIR, assign him the TIN without his knowledge and apply mark. EDAPS executives officially announced that passports are made by her in accordance with international standards for a single modern technology used throughout the world. The same statement was reported almost simultaneously by Inter TV on Japanese Universal Biometrics documents. Advertising their “super value”, showed a general plan Japanese airport and traveling passengers. Bottom right close-up of the television screen separately showed scanned faces passengers with a barcode above their left eyebrows (very large, clear and time-consuming image). By the way, on all plastic foreign passports in Ukraine are fuzzy, but a clear image of a male bearded face, and everyone asks: “A who is this? “Nikolai Bogolyubov in the book” Secret Societies of the 20th Century ” writes: “Such considerations are no longer utopian, but bitter reality. Laser tattoo has been tested for 15 years in Disney Land. Those people who stayed there for several days, permanent card or laser offered tattoo on the arm. Thus it was checked how people will be on it is responsive and will they get used to it over time. The same international preliminary questionnaires about where people want wear a tattoo: F = Forehead (forehead) or H = Hand (arm) already prepared. All of these are tests to gradually accustom people to of how this will become a duty. In the Netherlands for seven years back began to apply a homeless laser tattoo on the forehead. To the people at the same time they say that in this way crime can be restrained, especially in Amsterdam. Meanwhile, this laser tattoo partially already officially introduced. Under the pretext of a faster clearance for businessmen at American airports devices for reading this invisible marking are installed, applied to the right hand. And the number of those who turn to this service is constantly growing, because time is money. “In 1974 (!) Professor of Washington State University, Dr. R. Keith Farrell invented a laser gun with which to apply numbers to fish. The gun performs the operation in less than a second. When his asked if this gun can be used for application tattoos on people, he said: “Yes, of course, a gun can use for this purpose. “The laser beam cannot be felt, the number not visible with a simple look, the tattoo is constant, like yours fingerprints. “In October 1980 (!) the issue of the magazine “Advertising Age” by TeleResearch Item Movement, Inc. (TRIM), in which an entire page was dedicated to advertising computer scanner for supermarkets. The ad was inserted photograph of a person with a UPC number (universal product code), printed on his forehead. Dr. Ray Brubaker wrote in his book “Is the Antichrist Now Here?” (“Is Antichrist here already?”): “Q Cincinnati, Ohio, conducted an experiment where on hand supermarket buyers had a number that was read supermarket scanner. When making purchases, the system transmitted information directly to the bank of the buyer who carried purchase, and its funds were automatically debited from the account. ” Full page illustration, which appeared in 1993 in the London Daily Mail, featured European housewives, who shopped with their hands on a computer scanner at the checkout. Perevod 702str. In addition, I quote a message from Russian forum: “At the moment, two kinds are used in the world faces: laser tattoo and isotopic marking. Is set it is for everyone to get new biometric passports. Is set under the guise of scanning “digital” photographs. The face of a person and his biometric data change during growth and formation skulls, however, the so-called. “biometric photograph” taken once and for life, even in infancy, which is confirmed Head of the Federal Migration Service for Kaliningrad, who scanned his face for a trip abroad to his 5 month old daughter. And to the question of the ORT correspondent: “But wouldn’t I have to take a photo again, because the child’s face constantly growing and changing? ” he stated that “this procedure is one once and for all of life, you don’t have to do it again. ” Center Monitor CCTV airport does not scan the whole face of passing passengers, and their foreheads (visible on all records). The owners “bio” passports are unmistakably determined by a computer program video control and have a simplified customs control mode. A message about the computer measuring the distance between the pupils, which, they say, is strictly individual – fairy tales for naive people. Identify the distance between the pupils a computer can only be in a static (stationary) state and not under different angles, and there are no such conditions at airports. In the official Order No. 311 OF AUGUST 7, 2007 On Approving the Strategy development of the electronic industry in Russia for the period until 2025 signed by Minister Khristenko on page 59 there is a paragraph: “The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand its depth penetration into the daily life of the population. Must be a constant connection of each individual with global management information networks such as the Internet. Nanoelectronics will integrate with bioobjects (as they call people) and provide continuous monitoring of their maintenance life, improving the quality of life, and thus reduce social spending by the state. Wide use receive built-in wireless nanoelectronic devices, providing constant contact of a person with his environment intellectual environment, will be distributed means direct wireless contact of the human brain with objects surrounding it, vehicles and other people. Circulations of such products exceed billions per year due to its ubiquitous distribution … “Words from the text” embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices providing continuous contact of a person with his intellectual environment ” are perceived by all as ordinary chips that are not nanotechnology. Because of the following words about billions of copies such products (which may well be attributed to billion pieces of ordinary chips – they are also used everywhere) for some reason no one draws attention to the words “nanoelectronic devices”, i.e. devices created by nanotechnology described above. IN Revelation says nothing about the implementation of chips, but it says about drawing a mark – a barcode. Enhanced chip advertising used as a distraction. So, under the disorienting humanity is chattering the media about chips implanted in the human body (which really implant – no one argues with this, but which can be removed from the body by cutting it out) quietly and imperceptibly drawing of a mark — a barcode chip — occurs. Big cheat like big money they require silence and concentration. Paul Sviridov
Time Money Life in a matrix Life Lasers Nanotechnologies Russia USSR USA Ukraine