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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the framework of the research published two report. The first report was released in 2007, the second – in September 2013 of the year. According to international experts, the world is happening serious human-related climate change activity. First of all, it concerns the capitalist models of industrial production and consumption. However, Based on scientific research, the IPCC recognizes that gene Engineering carries certain risks, but they cannot serve as the basis for the termination of work on this topic. Rather In total, such a conclusion was included in the report with the aim of prevent further confrontation between enterprises and governments in their long-standing dispute over who is to blame climate crisis. A new report claims that we are witnessing unprecedented climate change that is not celebrated over the past millennia. Increase in concentration greenhouse gases contributed to widespread warming atmosphere, which led to the melting of the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, as well as mountain glaciers, as well as rising levels Oceans. In the Northern Hemisphere, the period from 1983 to 2012 The year was the hottest in the last thousand years. Since 1901 By 2010, the level of the oceans increased by 19 centimeters. According to the most optimistic forecast, until the end of this century this figure can double. Atmospheric concentration carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) per 800 thousand years reached an unprecedented level. So, according to UN experts, CO2 in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial period increased by 40%. Sharp increase atmospheric CO2 concentrations associated with business man, rampant deforestation, the transition of agriculture on an industrial basis. As mitigation measures the effect has repeatedly been proposed to reduce the flow of dioxide carbon into the atmosphere through the introduction of carbon taxes; and stop deforestation and promote planting forests in temperate zones, as trees absorb CO2. However, all this remains only a good intention. Must remember that up to 30% of carbon dioxide is absorbed by the oceans, which leads to the gradual extinction of coral reefs and crustaceans. High carbon dioxide in ocean water increases its acidity and as a result leads to corrosion coral damage to their organic structure and complete discoloration, that is, in essence – to their destruction. In the end as a result, only a white dead skeleton remains from corals. Behind the last hundred years, the average temperature on the planet rose by 0.85 degrees centigrade. According to the most optimistic forecast, the end of this century, the average temperature will increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to the pessimistic forecast – by 4.8 degrees Celsius. Rising temperatures on the planet will cause disastrous consequences for agriculture, increase sea level, the disappearance of glaciers. Even if you follow optimistic forecast – increase in average temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius – the planet will change beyond recognition. it will lead to a decrease in world food supplies, death ecosystems and biodiversity, raising the level of the oceans. Natural disasters – droughts, hurricanes and floods – will become more frequent. However, it is surprising that in last year’s report Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which addressed to world leaders, contains a number of deliberate manipulations with to mitigate the anticipated consequences of a possible mega-disaster. This primarily concerns genetic engineering. After all, no one has genetically modified organisms proven will not have a harmful effect on the environment. Environmentalists assumptions about various potential environmental complications. For example, there are many opportunities for uncontrolled spread of potentially dangerous genes, used by genetic engineering, including gene transfer bacteria and viruses. Environmental Complications probably impossible to fix as the released genes impossible to take back. Doubtful and suggestion of some scientists use the so-called solar control technique radiation to create huge volcanic artificial clouds to close the sun, and thereby obstruct global fever. Absurd sentence that can lead to unpredictable consequences – a change in the rose winds in Asia and Africa, thus endangering sources of water and nutrition for 2 billion people. Into these difficult times transnational companies have a moral responsibility and we must protect the planet in which we all live. Protection The environment should be a priority for any company, and also world leaders.
Water Climate Doomsday