Climatic chaos will come in 500 days – leak from French Foreign Minister

Climate chaos will come in 500 days - leak from French Foreign MinisterA photo from open sources Countdown to “chaos” – diplomat predicts a global catastrophe?

> Secretary of State John Kerry listens as French ForeignMinister Laurent Fabius speaks prior to their meeting at the State Department in Washington, Tuesday, May 13, 2014. (AP Photo / Molly Riley) French Foreign Minister Lauren Fabius spoke about countdown to chaos in two languages, reports the publication It happened in Washington before meeting with American counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry. “We have 500 days to avoid climate chaos, “said Fabius on French language. Kerry added: “Thank you very much. You want to something to say? “Then speaking in English, Fabius touched on topics Iran, Syria and Ukraine, but then quickly returned to change climate. “And a very important issue, the issue of climate change, climate chaos, “said the Foreign Minister.” And we have have, as I said, we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos and I know that President Obama and John himself Kerry is committed to this topic, and I’m sure with them, with great by the number of other friends, we can succeed in this very important question. “Then Fabius and Kerry went to the meeting, scheduled for that morning. Later on Tuesday, Fabius spoke in French embassy in Washington, where he criticized the policy of the American administration in Syria. The reporter asked comment on Fabius’ statement by the White House spokesperson Jay Carney, “which caused a laugh at the press center when he asked: “I wonder what kind of schedule do you have?” “I have no specific reaction to this statement. I will only say that National Climate Assessment, which was released last week, paints a picture of the fact that these consequences are already here, “- said Carney. “Some of them arose earlier than expected than scientists expected. And this only reinforces the need to approach this the issue is complex, as the president planned. ”

Climate Syria

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