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According to a study by scientists from Louisiana State University, The earth, even after powerful glaciation, can thaw almost instantly (by geological standards, of course). In this case, the culprit this process is carbon dioxide. Given that our civilization releases a gigantic amount of CO2 into the atmosphere, then the news of the great mobility of the planet’s climate takes on special value. About 635 million years ago almost the entire Ice bound the earth. This is the glaciation known as Proterozoic, happened before the advent of life. It was it that led to the formation of current climatic conditions: with a comfortable temperature for life and high oxygen levels. Thanks to the Proterozoic glaciation there was a real explosion of the development of living organisms in the late the Cambrian period and, ultimately, man appeared. Still until scientists it was not clear how frozen to the tropics The earth has thawed so quickly and restored the balance between the new atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. To answer this question scientists conducted a study of the sulfate mineral barite (BaSO4), which has been preserved in rocks since the time of the Proterozoic glaciation. This mineral in the process of growth absorbs oxygen and contains 3 stable oxygen isotopes: O-16, O-17 and O-18. IN barite from the times of the Proterozoic glaciation of the isotope O-17 turned less than expected. Scientists suggest that this is due to a very high carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, 635 million years ago in the atmosphere of our planet there were very large-scale changes. Apparently, they are related to the fact that the ocean was almost completely covered with ice. Usually level carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are in equilibrium with the level carbon dioxide in the ocean. However, if water and air are separated a thick layer of ice, as it was during the Proterozoic glaciation, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere rises sharply. Thus, Proterozoic glaciation ended in a powerful greenhouse an effect that very quickly warmed up the planet and, in fact, prepared a comfortable sandbox for the development of the most diverse animal and plant life on Earth. Similar increase in concentration carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is observed now, only today it is caused by man-made causes. Research by american scientists also demonstrates how fast our planet can recover even after the most ambitious and catastrophic events. We can not worry about our planet – it is capable save life and give rise to new species in any situation. true it’s not a fact that the Earth will “take care” of people who themselves will trigger “global change.
A life