Cloned Mammoths Coming Soon

A photo from open sources

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What science fiction novels write about so often may soon come to life. It’s about cloning mammoths – one of the most popular extinct animals.

These woolly giants attract the attention of not only publicists and ordinary people. Physicians and scientists have been eyeing them for a long time. However, the matter did not go further than scientific projects. But as it became known recently, before the official launch of the project on the cloning of these long extinct animals is completely Little.

The first living mammoth to be able to see the inhabitants of the United States, after all, it is in this country that it is planned to work on large-scale and ambitious project. This was reported by the scientists themselves, demonstrating during one of the popular television shows how it will be the procedure.

According to scientists, as source material genetic samples obtained from the remains of the animal will be taken, found a year earlier. The carcass is perfectly preserved, and scientists managed to isolate good samples, which could not be done before of this. All interested scientists are reminded that it remains to wait not much, and advised to follow the news.

Mammoth Time

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