A photo from open sources
Such a meeting of astronomers and astrophysicists from seven countries will be held. supposedly in Switzerland and its task is to discuss problems the secrecy of information about Nibiru, that is, how much does it all answer the interests of mankind.
Among the famous names who will attend this conference, Jean-Yves Le Gaulle – Popular Engineer from France, Pascal Ehrenfreund – Leading astronomer-scientist from Germany, doctor from Japan Seigawa, doctor from Austria Meagan Clark and some others. However, as they say conspiracy theorists, even these big names are just a distraction thanks to which the governments and special services of seven countries want stay in the shade, but they will set the tone in this event.
It may seem surprising that the conference is not invited representatives of Russia and the USA. Most likely, experts write, the point is that the two superpowers control information about Nibiru and not let less powerful countries adhere to them in order to maintain their impact on the world in the event of any catastrophic events space scale.
It is for this reason that second-tier countries gather at meeting to develop a position in connection with inevitable events, caused by the approach to Earth of the mysterious Planet X.
The exact date and time of the conference is still unknown. some conspiracy theorists even suggest that it will pass much earlier, if not already passed. Since it will not be no strangers, then about the work of this meeting, we must assume even on the Internet there will be a minimum of information. Most likely to happen stuffing another misinformation.
Surprisingly, the note about the upcoming conference became almost viral on the internet. And this is despite the fact that information about the planet Nibiru is more like a fantasy, because the end the light that it supposedly brings to the Earth has been appointed more than once, reassigned, but has not come true so far. What is it? Mass a psychosis or a massive Apocalypse game that someone planted during The World Wide Web in the form of either entertainment or some kind of psychological experiment? ..
End of the World Nibiru Russia