Clothing and fabric of the future

Clothing and fabric of the futurePhotos from open sources

Introducing the clothes of the future, we are often held captive imposed on us by fashion and science fiction films, not Understanding the main thing – you need to talk primarily about tissues future than about the clothes themselves, since it is in this direction global changes must occur.

This is confirmed by the development of scientists who are constantly looking for new materials for clothing, for example, American specialists University of Maryland presented fabric that is capable of itself adapt to changing weather conditions. Due to the structure coated with a thin layer of carbon nanotubes, unique fabric expands or, conversely, narrows depending from ambient temperature, air humidity, thereby changing the distance between the fibers. Due to this, the latter or intensely pass heat, or almost completely delay it.

For centuries, scientists write in the journal Science, which devoted an entire article to interesting development in all respects, people were forced to either wear or take off clothes depending from humidity and ambient temperature. Designed new tissue is a bi-directional adjuster that eliminates this disadvantage, saving time and money, not to mention comfort and convenience in wearing clothes made according to this technology.

A photo from open sources

Scientists also emphasized in the article that this is not a laboratory research, and a specific scientific achievement that can lie in the basis for creating the clothes of the future, which, apparently, will be not only easy to adapt to temperature, but also change color and even style (practicality to use it in one or another situations).

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