A photo from open sources
Russian scientists have developed a device “Neurochat”, capable of bring humanity closer to telepathy, that is, communication through thoughts. For some time, the device was tested by doctors, because it was created it is primarily for those who, due to a particular disease, are not can talk. And so they gave the go-ahead to mass production “Neurochat”.
His first batch will also be trial, only a few hundred devices that disperse in Russian rehabilitation centers and help patients with diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and so on.
As the general director of the project Natalya told reporters Galkina, today we are transferring part of the released devices to Samara geriatric hospital, and this can be called the beginning distribution of “Neurochat” throughout Russia. Its value of course may seem high, but on the one hand, we hope that patients who simply need it will receive compensation from state budget, and on the other hand, in the future the price of the device will decline, and judging by the dynamics of our lives, this will happen very quickly. In addition, we are confident that along with this the device itself will improve and come closer to the natural telepathy, about which we only read and watch science fiction.
A photo from open sources
“Neurochat” is really far from telepathic excellence, it is a headset that removes neuropulses from the human brain, as well as an application that can install on a computer, laptop or even a gadget. By the power of thought a person types on the screen words and phrases that the interlocutor can to clean. Flexible text auto-correction is provided, since dial accuracy does not exceed 75 percent. But to learn such “telepathy” is not at all difficult, as claimed the developers and the doctors who test the “Neurochat” are required by force 12 minutes
This headset can be easily used with various modern services, say, search engines, YouTube, various media resources and so on. You understand the possibilities communication in real life and virtual space in a patient people appear simply colossal compared to what he It has.
Life Russia