Photo from open sources
The other day we introduced our readers to material in which geneticist professor Sam Chang talks about extraterrestrial the origin of terrestrial DNA. His evidence is quite convincing, based not on empty fabrications, but on many years of work on the study of the “garbage” (non-coding) part of DCs occupying the genome terrestrial living organisms up to 97 percent. However with conclusions professors Chang are far from all scientists agree …
Let’s recall that most recently, biologists discovered cod (Gadus morhua), which easily survives the harsh conditions of the Arctic due to the fact that her body produces natural antifreeze. Moreover, as the researchers determined, the cod antifreeze protein gene acquired recently. One of the supporters of evolutionary development life on Earth, biologist Helle Tessand Baalsrud of the University of Oslo together with her colleagues stubbornly searched for the “cousins” of the gene antifreeze Gadus morhua, because, according to the generally accepted theory, any gene can only evolve from existing ones, he simply cannot appear “out of nowhere”. Searched, but never found …
A photo from open sources
Until now, it was believed that new genes are born only in the result of random duplication, mixing with others, division, but they do not arise from scratch. But Gadus morhua antifreeze protein, seems to have refuted this theory, and a new gene may appear as if out of nowhere – de novo.
According to scientist Adam Levy, all this makes take a fresh look at the theory of evolution. It seems so-called “junk” DNA is specially created by Nature, so that if necessary easily and simply create new ones needed to adapt to surrounding reality, genes – by reprofiling its non-coding part. True, Levy immediately makes a reservation, namely in what remains to be seen whether we really have an example de novo gene birth (in the case of Arctic cod), and how often such genes are born. However, Levy is convinced that in the “junk” DNA waiting for its time to come into the world protogens.
However, his reservation is not accidental, since many genetics in perplexed by the conclusions of supporters of the appearance of protogens. The thing is, that there is enough genetically prepared material in DNA to create the same antifreeze protein, and if a group of scientists from the University of Oslo I haven’t found how and from what this gene mutated, it doesn’t mean yet that he came from a non-coding portion of DNA.
However, evolutionists enthusiastically picked up the theory that “junk” DNA is a reserve for working genes, and some kind of database for creating new ones, that is Darwinism has found a new “confirmation” of its academic and indisputable assumptions of how and why arose and how developed (and is still developing) life on Earth.
However, to prove the terrestrial origin of DNA, as well as its unearthly start is not yet possible. These are just theories, and apparently they will remain for many generations to come. What is it like the theory of the matrix or the afterlife: everything seems to lie on the surface, but to prove or disprove scientifically does not work out …
DNA Life Evolution